Lionblaze8 » Favorites (166)
<><>Grape Soda MEME<><> by cherish181
Mazez by FuzzFuzzBall
Are you like cherish181? by cherish181
Scratchnapped (A mario style platform game) by griffpatch
Geometry Dash v1.5 by griffpatch
Scratcharia (#2) v2.7.1 by griffpatch
Paper Minecraft v11.7 (Minecraft 2D) by griffpatch
Darkness (VERY OLD)! by MajesticPie
Space Air Hockey by total_boss
Adoptables kits+ Roleplay by Kittenlover707
Adoptables-MORE WARRIOR KITS by MissyGremble
Adopt Clan Warriors! by RavenstarRocks
Straight to the top a original minecraft song by 102453
Adopt a cat from NightClan! by Lionblaze8
Adoptables Template 2 by cherish181
Warrior Cats: Generate Your Kits! remix by Dewpool
Warriors Role-play game #1! by Animecat33
Warriors Adventure Game! (Updated) by EmmaKat
Warriors Adventure Game (old) by lpskittycat100
Warriors - Clan Leader Game remix by spottedsun
Warriors - Clan Leader Game by BIazeheart
MLP Equestria Girls: Under Our Spell by csf44702
Squidward falls while I play unfitting music by mewlvr
Warrior cats game by Sunshinepal1010
Make Your Own Warrior Cat Family by regans9
Adventures in Bayclan by Wildflight
How to make a cat, gobo, or waffle icon by pokesnail
under our spell verse2 and finale by lioncupcakes
Under our Spell no voice yet. by Lionblaze8
My favorite Katy perry songs! by lioncupcakes
under our spell verse1 and chorus by lioncupcakes
Adopt a Diamondclan cat or loner! by ivypool38
Cyberbulling by JuicyApples14
Through My Eyes soundtrack Song #1 by cottonbloom
Bullies (please read notes)->>> by marscapone
Are You a Fan of Me? by cherish181
Celestia's home! by Lionblaze8
Rainbow rocks_Not_All_Songs remix WILL BE USING REAL VOICES! by Lionblaze8
Rainbow rocks_Not_All_Songs remix by lunacrazy22
Rainbow rocks_Not_All_Songs by diamondsketcher
ICE BUCKET CHALLEGE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! by Lionblaze8
The coolest pen thing EVER!~Raspberry by Lemon_The_Conqueror
Dancing Steve by yoyothecat
Fight betwenn territories! remix by cinderleap11
Cherishcat's Free Cat Icon Factory! by cherish181
Icon for @LunaCrazy22! :D by cherish181
Warrior life~ Kit by Littlerock12
Bake a Cake! by bella06
Adopt a Clan leader! CLOSED by Lionblaze8
Intro to Night and Moon by cherish181
Adopt a wolf! by Lionblaze8
Lionblaze8's Adoptables!!!!!!! by Lionblaze8
Thin Ice v 2.1 by KatydaKitty
warrior cat shop!! NEW CATS! by 23ilovefoxes
Create a Warrior Cat! by MarbleKitty
WHICH SIDE by ArcFighter
Minecraft Mobs by smartpanda1
Mapleshade speedpaint by Hollyheart45
Forbidden Love by Hollyfernpaws
Warrior Cat Adventure (demo) by Hollyfernpaws