LegoDJP » Favorites (18)
Self Destructing Penguin! by loki352
World Tycoon 0.8 (Historical) by Borrego6165
Thin Ice Demo by tagggz
Teleporter Game by ShadowCoder
Explore the Shire by RainFoxArtist
Atoms by robot3411
Big Adventure of the stick man by nyaonyao
Dessert Baker V.1 by Pink-pillow
Burger Animation by anythingispossible
Go, Muscles, Go! by jkm11
Gardenia v1.3 by japanblossom
Brain-Twist by foxterfox
Dolphin by mintfeather123
Beat AI 2.0 by scratchhacker3000
Matoran by GoldenMiru
Escape by devindubois
space wars by clarinetcal
Untitled-35 by LegoDJP