Scratcher Joined 4 years, 8 months ago France
About me
Je suis Legendary Diamond!!
j'ai la majorité
Otaku, j'aime tous les mangas de type shonen shojo et seinen
I'm Legendary Diamond!!
I'm about to be 18 and I'm Otaku
What I'm working on
Je suis actuellement étudiante en deuxième année de lycée!
What I've been doing
Shared Projects (13)
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LD jump jump by Legendary_Diamond
Renai Circulation♫ by Legendary_Diamond
❤♪Sweet Parade♪❤ by Legendary_Diamond
Quizz Manga!♪ by Legendary_Diamond
Fan de Darling in the FranXX?❤ Signe! by Legendary_Diamond
❤sweet sweet❤ by Legendary_Diamond
fan de demon slayer ( Kimetsu no yaiba)? Signe! by Legendary_Diamond
Tous les fans des dessins Kawaï peuvent remixer et signer ce projet ! remix remix remix remix remix by Legendary_Diamond
Fan De Jibaku Shounen Hanako kun❤? SIGNE!! by Legendary_Diamond
si vous êtes fan de Naruto, signez! remix remix by Legendary_Diamond
make your own licki! :) remix by Legendary_Diamond
Sign if you ❤ My Hero Academia!! Remix x 12 remix remix remix remix remix by Legendary_Diamond
Signez!! remix by Legendary_Diamond
Favorite Projects
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Merci au 100 abonnés❤, Thanks a 100 followers❤ by Hina_Otaku
pon pon pon <3 ♫ by Saki_na
Renai Circulation♫ by Legendary_Diamond
❤♪Sweet Parade♪❤ by Legendary_Diamond
Quizz Manga!♪ by Legendary_Diamond
Nightcore Rather Be♬ by Hina_Otaku
Fan de Darling in the FranXX?❤ Signe! by Legendary_Diamond
❤sweet sweet❤ by Legendary_Diamond
fan de demon slayer ( Kimetsu no yaiba)? Signe! by Legendary_Diamond
Signez!! remix by Legendary_Diamond
make your own licki! :) remix by Legendary_Diamond
Fan De Jibaku Shounen Hanako kun❤? SIGNE!! by Legendary_Diamond
Studios I'm Following
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SVPP pour @NecmaYT
1er jeu plateforme !!!!!
pls help?
Legendary Diamond's studio
Fan de la série Naruto!!\Fan of the Naruto series!!
Studio jeu de balle
1000 projets | 500 curateurs!!!
Studio Pokémon!
Studio MHAA!!!!!!!! (my hero Academia)
Nightcore, chanson, relax...
Studio Animée
Studios I Curate
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River boys (A urban legend rp!)
Sigan a @gatita_pro :D
Into for me?
The cube adventure
concours de la meilleurs intros
SVPP pour @NecmaYT
1er jeu plateforme !!!!!
Invitez tout vos followers !
Taking a break
Anything and everything
what do u think of me? :DDD
pls help?
Legendary Diamond's studio
Studio Platforme!
Fan de la série Naruto!!\Fan of the Naruto series!!
Studio Animée
Nightcore, chanson, relax...
Studio MHAA!!!!!!!! (my hero Academia)
Studio Pokémon!
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