LDM9000 » Favorites (79)
Miss Peregrine's Peculiar Pictures Solved by HashtagSuper111
New Super Mario Bros. Wii For Scratch by Brad-Games
Harry Potter The Final Quiz by penguinbella
Ron Weasley says... Lesson 1 by Sunstorm75
Spot the differences by haras5
KENNEY Platformer V0.1.8 by CODE599-Test
Level Down 2.0 by Doctor10th
Shaper [Broken by Scratch 3.0, see desc.] by Nitttram
Rocket Pack by Will_Wam
Game Over - The Game Maker by Mario_FTW
Fight Fire With Fire 3 by Will_Wam
slither.io v1.13 (#1) by griffpatch
Minigame Madness by hummdedum
I C E | A platformer by sharkblue
Scratch Cat Adventures 3: The martian by vwang112
Scratch Cat Adventures 2: Nap time by vwang112
Scratch Cat Adventures 1: Marathon by vwang112
Asteroids by vwang112
A mother's day gift! by vwang112
PEN PAINT WITH BLOCKS 100% pen by HappyAndBubble
Snail Platformer v1.4 by griffpatch
Snail Adventures by Nemofish84
Elemental crystals the platformer by sofisia02
Platformer (Almost 100%Pen) by Nurutomo
Count Down by TheRaidGaming
SQUARED - A Platformer by HuIsAnG
Rabbit Road v0.2 by magma202
Happy May 4th! by BluePenguin310
Dot Run by CaramelCat00
Qualio! by KingOfAwesome58219
Geometry Dash v1.5 by griffpatch
JOURNEY To The FRONT PAGE V0.983 by Jconway1
Minecraft Platformer by RacingAce
The Impossible Game remix with distractions! by LDM9000
Fight Fire With Fire by Will_Wam
⛵Journey to Hope♥-A Platformer by -frostyiceprincess-
Cat vs dog!!! by LDM9000
Sushi Platformer by key01134
Neville's herbology class #1 by LDM9000
Clash of Clans (Scratch) by MinecraftParty77
Hot Air (a game) by DarkLava
I'm A Cat AMV by -BlobbyFish-
Stripes by Cirrus-
99% Invisible (Platformer) by Cirrus-
Dog chasing cat by JMae282
Super Mario Kart!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! by aadimaster
Don't Touch The Spikes by Houchdj
Cloud Platformer Multiplayer Fun v1.42 by griffpatch
Epic Ninja v1.12 by griffpatch
The Impossible Game by shadowspear1
Don't. Touch. Anything. by Joelbot2000
Super Scratch Bros. by Hobson-TV
Shift remix by footballtrainer1011
Griffpatch's Tower Defence v1.0 by griffpatch
Coin Dash Ep.1 (v1.1) by griffpatch
Online Carcassonne v2.1 by griffpatch
Scratchnapped (A mario style platform game) by griffpatch
Chase HQ by Finlay_Cool
Menger Sponge by ianrocks
✧Cubed 2✧ by ianrocks