Kiyan_LiftFan » Studios I Follow (47)
The Forum Community
Don't Break the Chain!
Kiyan's Followers
Door Simulator
XF supporters
Elevator Collection
elevator fixtures
Mobile Games
Can we get 200 Managers by the end of 2021?
ZZ9 Central Promenade
The Lift-Sim Studio!
Gamer Club
ZZ87850-9709 Lift Contest -OPEN-
Moonage Mall/Hotel & L.T.A
The mask pig mash ups studio
Can we get to 200 managers before 2020?
(INACTIVE) ZZ9's S-sim A. Area + Elev. Shop
Can we reach 1000 managers by 2̶0̶2̶0̶ ever?!
Lets Do This
follow if you're currently alive
BadPiggy221 and waterside123 fan club
Pink Sheep Fanclub
(INACTIVE) ZZ9's Scrolling LED Sign Shop
Hotel Klimczok
Elevators by cubbywindowsdpc and ZZ9, elevatorfan63
SLR mall
(Done) Scratch Housing Estate Section 1.2
elevator gallery
Any elevator studio
foxlift,otis,kone,hyundai....ANY LIFTS!!
The elevator studio
Just up with Otis... Local made lifts... Schindlers!
Rulithoe HJ2127_1997 Yosemite Sam Shopping Mall
KONE/Schindler Studio!
Lifts (Every brand of elevator in the world, ever)
Scratch Housing Estate Section 3
(JUDGING IN PROGRESS) ZZ9's 2018 Lift Design Comp!
Elevators That Never Were on Scratch
Elevator Studio
Cubbywindowsdpc Friends & Followers Club
Real-Life Elevator Emulations Studio!
ZZ9's 2 Year Scratchaversary!
The Projects of ZZ9PluralZAlpha
Scratch Elevator Fans Studio