Kelk_One » Shared Projects (29)
untitled by Kelk_One
Scratch runs on around 1/30 second by Kelk_One
Unfinished Zombie Game (Zombie Rebury) <Paused> by Kelk_One
Save1 by Kelk_One
I followed ChatGPT's instructions until it became impossible V2 by Kelk_One
Scratch Crashing Simulator by Kelk_One
Unboxing Pet Sprites Simulator [23 pets] by Kelk_One
Heartistic <Terminated> by Kelk_One
ULTIMATUM Clock by Kelk_One
this can help u study multiplications table by Kelk_One
SORRY Duc <Terminated> by Kelk_One
Whac-A-Rat [v1.1] <Terminated> by Kelk_One
Bloody GreyScale by Kelk_One
The Sus Video by Kelk_One
2030 world map future by Kelk_One
Be a OP Bee by Kelk_One
add your oc as a ice-cube (27) remix by Kelk_One
DAMIAN LILLARD but... Why ??? by Kelk_One
Its raining tacos! V2 by Kelk_One
[Fixed Timer] Super Mario Snow (Part 3) by Kelk_One
Super Mario Snow (Part 3) Goombas :3 by Kelk_One
Super Mario Snow (Part 3) but the sprites broke into a spiral by Kelk_One
トロッコ問題3 remix by Kelk_One
Station 60 <Terminated> by Kelk_One
French Flop 2 - L'eau by Kelk_One
French Flop - Quoicoubeh & Apagnan by Kelk_One
Old Scratch Project <Terminated> by Kelk_One
I followed ChatGPT's instructions until it became impossible V1 by Kelk_One
Harvest <Terminated> by Kelk_One