JoshTheDasher » Favorites (15)
Dress up the Snowman! by _Cookiedough_
WHAT ARE THOSE? by JoshTheDasher
Untitled-4 by JoshTheDasher
A Slice of Bread by Redyman
TG Tutorials | Walk Cycles by The_Guy_
How To Lip Sync by svpanda
Scratching Dawn - Episode 1 (OLD) by M_axj
Piano by natalie
weird animations by TODLES50
Almost 3000! by TF2001Messages
a gif animation example *see inside* by Epicloversunited
❤4th Of July Treats❤ by ShuroSan
Happy early Christmas! by JoshTheDasher
Space Unicorn! by tris104
Welcome to Josh The Dasher's Profile! by JoshTheDasher