Jay_- » Favorites (20)
Linkin Park~Burn it down by CreepypastaKlaws
Your So Creepy By:Ghost town by CreepypastaKlaws
20 hilarious and cute puns <3 by -MidnightStudios
Hanging tree(hunger games) by clawdeenhowlmoon
Evanscence- Everybodys Fool by Nanami14
Taylor Swift-safe and sound by Nanami14
Diary of Jane-breaking benjamin by Nanami14
counting stars duet by crazyk43
mad hatter by crazyk43
nightcore/ impossible by crazyk43
Sonic Vs. Mecha Sonic (Animation) Part 3 by shadow14162
Sonic Vs. Mecha Sonic (Animation) Part 2 by shadow14162
Sonic Vs. Mecha Sonic (Animation) Part 1 by shadow14162
~MusicBox~ 2 by -PuppetMaster-
Can I guess your age? by crazyweasle123
Licky Creator 2.0 by Bluestar2003
Create Your Sword by _Glo_
Nyan Cat simulator by _Glo_
What happens when get I a message by tsimo07
fly fly fly by indiana1