Jakeup » Favorites (53)
Joke by Jayme4588
Shakira- This time for Africa ( Waka Waka ) AMV by Midnitestar
Break Out - Shake it Up by golightlyluver
First Project: I Cry By Flo Rida by DJLav
Austin & Ally RPG sing-up!(For added characters only.) by Skyfur
Scary monsters and nice sprites by Skrillex
Spongebob-Following Eyes by CoolyoMan
Boink! 3 by 7scratch7
I'm bored by Ghost-Tak
Fsjal Toki Maker! [READ NOTES] by Ghost-Tak
My death by Ghost-Tak
Ghost-Tak Powers! by Ghost-Tak
Beat up me by Ghost-Tak
Rick Rolled. by Ghost-Tak
Kick-Tak is Rick Rolled by Ghost-Tak
What is Randomness by Ghost-Tak
Add Yourself Steppin On The Beach by Ghost-Tak
Fun moment with Haunter by Ghost-Tak
My original form by Ghost-Tak
Ghost-tak - Disney Channel Logo by Ghost-Tak
Ghost tokis are fearless! by Ghost-Tak
WH4T NOW?? by Ghost-Tak
Infinity Stupidity. by Ghost-Tak
When I'm Ghost-Zombie-Toki by Ghost-Tak
Stupid animation by Ghost-Tak
Bored again! by Ghost-Tak
twirl 5 by RyanJeter
StickMania S4 Episode 4 - Old. by SpriteMaster
rock-paper-scissors by honeyfoot
sorry for party rocking by codeman98
lolpenguins by louisthato
Justin Bieber and ShoopDaWhoop by louisthato
ben 10 (not finished/nao terminei) by felipesky
Boom Boom Pow by Songs12
Peanut Butter Jelly Time by louisthato
Fallin` Lazaa` 2 by Billy100
we reached 3000000 by cheetahfrog
viral video mashup 1 double nyan cat by nyanscratch
Funny 3 by Xion777
Funny by Xion777
Funny 5 by Xion777
Funny 6 by Xion777
Funny 7 by Xion777
Funny 8 by Xion777
Funny 4 by Xion777
Funny 9 by Xion777
Mario Brothers Vs Wright Brothers - Epic Rap Battles Of History by EpicRapBattles
Fruit Slicer by anlovesyhu
Eye of the Tiger by titi8
rubble trouble by gamer30000
following eyes by flamehawk
Gangnam Style!! :D by muffinninja