Jacobhcw » Shared Projects (26)
Tanks! © new no hardcore lives by Jacobhcw
Helicopter Bossfight remix by Jacobhcw
uppercut the dino game by Jacobhcw
Boss: Extreme Mobile Version Master Gear (Experemental JSAB boss battle) remix by Jacobhcw
Step on the enemy! remix-2 by Jacobhcw
Mega Man : Battle Royale remix-2 by Jacobhcw
Mega Man Showdown - [SCROLLING PLATFORMER] remix by Jacobhcw
Add yourself trying to defeat Zombot Tommorow Tron 2.0 by Jacobhcw
vs. Impostor (Undertale) remix by Jacobhcw
vs. Mid-Boss All-Stars 2 remix-2 by Jacobhcw
=OP LASER BEAM= - A platformer but insane and hacked by Jacobhcw
angry birds by Jacobhcw
vs. Illuminus (filler) hacked by Jacobhcw
roller coaster by Jacobhcw
vs. Kabula Remade hacked by Jacobhcw
Kirby vs. Spamton Neo hacked by Jacobhcw
Meta Knight vs. Galacta Knight (Return to Dreamland) Hacked by Jacobhcw
Flamethrower remix by Jacobhcw
diep io animation | revenge | movie remix by Jacobhcw
Untitled-5 by Jacobhcw
wedo 2.0 by Jacobhcw
Pong game by Jacobhcw
Robox 2 remix by Jacobhcw
You maded Mega Carrier Annihilator angry. remix by Jacobhcw
=LASER BEAM= - A platformer hacked by Jacobhcw
Ghost Catch remix by Jacobhcw