JM6C » Favorites (40)
Gandalf | Platformer by scratch_coco
Ballistic Brawl - battle simulator by EnderPlaySmash
Scratch Town v1.3b by griffpatch
Vector Velociraptor by ZSBros
Jedi Platformer by 9_1_1
Jedi Platformer 2 by 9_1_1
Platformer Tutorial v0.12 by griffpatch_tutor
Snowboard Physics Test v0.2c by griffpatch_tutor
Rope Physics (Old Version) by Will_Wam
how to make a platformer by okthisisgood
Scratch Emojis by 16cmack
Ninja [Part 1] - The Journey by CrystalKeeper7
Ice Ninja vs The Ninja / For Will_Wam by -irem-
Boxed by Mr-Mathmatical
Koi Pond by Mr-Mathmatical
fire ninja, ice ninja, and master sprites by JM6C
Sandy Aloha by Clover400
Snorlax by Snorlax-Scratcher
Snorlax bouncing 2!!! by snorlaxguy
Health Bar Tutorial by Ktacer
Curly Plant Thingy Generator by Java_Programmer
Pichu Platformer by HAhmed89
Fable Quest by tacky365
Fire pen project (with explanation) by mrgreengoody
Ice - A platformer - by petit-muffin
TARDIS! by quikjay
Cloud Raft ☁ by BIG-red-BUTTON
Millennium Falcon by HD_Pixel_Squid
Updated Ultamate clone trooper sprite pack by cc3784
Star Wars (Story Mode) Greivous Ship Invasion by NemoNaturally
Super Mario Bros (version 10) by PaulKoning
Star Wars: Battlefront by gamer67
Untitled-2 by wolf_1X
Scratcharia v2.8.3 by griffpatch
STAR WARS: AT-AT by gamer67
Ultimate Spy Game 3 by News-guy
Epic Ninja v1.12 by griffpatch
The Ninja 4 by Will_Wam
The Ninja by Will_Wam
The Ninja 2 by Will_Wam