Isa_4C » Shared Projects (28)
BRUH by Isa_4C
computing review by Isa_4C
CAR by Isa_4C
Johny johny by Isa_4C
save trees by Isa_4C
Debug-2 remix by Isa_4C
Debugging - Conditions (2) remix by Isa_4C
Debugging - TasK 1b remix by Isa_4C
Debug Task 2b remix by Isa_4C
Debug-Task 1a remix by Isa_4C
Debug-It Challenge remix by Isa_4C
Debug-It remix by Isa_4C
Debugging Condition - Yr 4 remix remix by Isa_4C
Debug the code remix by Isa_4C
butterfly by Isa_4C
the balloon by Isa_4C
the ball by Isa_4C
giga by Isa_4C
challenge by Isa_4C
colour blocks task 3 by Isa_4C
pong game by Isa_4C
chasing game by Isa_4C
Untitled by Isa_4C
park story by Isa_4C
yumm 2 by Isa_4C
yuummmm by Isa_4C
quest by Isa_4C
Harry potter in 99 seconds by Isa_4C