Scratcher Joined 6 years, 2 months ago United States
About me
15 years old
9th grade
What I'm working on
Nothing yet, as I have just gotten back into my account after a few years.
What I've been doing
Shared Projects (16)
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I might have broken one of my own rules remix by Happy_Boy123456
Undertale Simple Battle Creator v 3.3b remix-2 by Happy_Boy123456
cat by Happy_Boy123456
Sign to stop hate mail and bullying! remix remix remix remix remix remix remix by Happy_Boy123456
DON'T BULLY! (VERY SAD) remix by Happy_Boy123456
Steven and the Umbrella remix by Happy_Boy123456
welp its come by Happy_Boy123456
Cat Meows Three Times remix by Happy_Boy123456
bounce the cat (tested by me and my mom.) by Happy_Boy123456
what is sans listening to? OMG by Happy_Boy123456
music by Happy_Boy123456
The most epic weegee stare ever remix by Happy_Boy123456
Meet My Numbers & Letters remix by Happy_Boy123456
some parkour by Happy_Boy123456
TURN DOWN FOR WHAT SONG remix by Happy_Boy123456
TURN DOWN FOR WHAT!? remix by Happy_Boy123456
Favorite Projects
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Let's Make Apple Treats! by AquaLeafStudios
Kickball in a nutshell by nicopete119
Cat Blocks | Vector Art! by StratfordJames
Did scratch do an April fools??? by wasd3566
World record egg by WorId_record_egg
freaky things by wl041204
Windows Hax by Toper-games
BUP_OS by Toper-games
Pokemon Type Chart by Failord
Alexa, Play Nap Music by TurtleAnimationz
rember these memes by kkunicorn6789
Santa In a Nutshell by WildCrazyGoose
Mario's Opinion on Doors by scratchU8
When Yoshi Gets Bored by scratchU8
markiplier exotic butters remix by mystique0617
Oh No... by Overcommitter
Storyshift: Papyrus Fight. by loganvcairns
Magnum the Knife Cat by magnum888
Grab The Wall (Lyrics Taken Literally) by wafflejoe
Studios I Curate
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