GameElf » Favorites (86)
Generic Red (3 levels) by griffpatch
Prehistoric Park Builder v1.0 by codahoop
LGBTQ Definitions! by LGBTQ_Hotline
Maths class with an angry teacher by panic_at_disneyland
アヤノの幸福理論 Noteblocks ♫ Music Week: Scratch Camp 2018 by oriquack
Scratch original song (Msp) -OPEN- by GameElf
House of gold: Twenty One Pilots by fnaflover122
How Far I'll Go (MSP) ~ Closed by 4LeafClovR
m e l t • by yushiyu
REMIX IF YOU ARE WITH ME by pixelgirl4
Gyrate by -lnvictus-
BB-8 Plarformer by Google_Network
Cave lighting game by Ttugf
A Boy and His Light by thedotmaster
Oreo! by FunnyAnimatorJimTV
The Glitch~Platformer (GHouL GamES) V3 by Ghoul-Girl7
Heroes of the Island | Episode 1 by BananaPieProductions
- v1.13 (#1) by griffpatch
Griffpatch's 3D Laser Tag v0.8 by griffpatch
My Zoo by supercooljulia
Messi Vs Ronaldo by Coolelf
Random Walk on a Sphere (clones) by twins_paradox
Catch Me by thomas98
Untitled-18 by 11hawkio
Super Cool Magical Drawing Screen by coolgem923
MLG Temple RUN!!! by pielover157000
MLG The Improbable Game by pielover157000
Virtual Pet Hamster by annieluuser
Virtual Campfire by shuggerKittem
hexagonal fractal from Islands Gosper by leszpio
curves - creator2 by leszpio
MakeOver Madness! by nmassano
Super mario world scratch 2 by JRHGames
New super mario bros online (Demo) by JRHGames
manic miner by andyscan
Animal Crossing- Scratch! by ipzy
Solar System 4 by Sojourner555
Sailor moon makeover by Fidessa-Chan
I need help! by Hi-_-Love_Is_LIFE
Panic Attack by ewictheviking
Epic Ninja v1.12 by griffpatch
Hair Salon by jsola
Make Your Own Oreos! by ProfessorMaddog
Bring Froggy home by PinkyPepper
Gyroid Playlist by Gyroid-J
Zap Mr Froggy by RAJANI
Scrolling Tutorial by ErnieParke
Loco Synth v.4 play, record, share by Locomule
earth exploding by masterball2
poo by masterball2
3D scratch halls adventure ( read instructions ) by 1peachyummy
3D Corridors of Doom by hhtsimpson
New Super Mario Bros Wii Title Screen remix by TornadoTheWindYoshi
New super mario bros 2 player by hover
Super Mario by crazyweasle123
Warrior life~ Kit by Littlerock12
Cloth Physics by tylerbata
Bubble Gum Guy [preview & backstory] by mickyg
Connect 4 v1.9.2 by sprite746
Vivian Make Over by Mewblackpanther