Fran2 » Favorites (79)
Scratchcat blings it on!! by Fran2
latin teacher learner by Fran2
Teleport by LedPencil
the evil ghoul escape by Fran2
Game Studios Time!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! by Fran2
Parking Test by kts2013
Scratchtown 2 by DarkCrystalBall
Random Word Generator by Flasion2D
Paint by sockman101
Ultimate 2D Physics WIP by ProdigyZeta7
3d Maze v0.12 by griffpatch
Water Dance by mikeono102
Calculator by Chrischb
Avoid The Fire 2 by Unrealisation
The 2014 Geo Bee Online! Round 1 by Memphisgriz400
*LASER* by SilverSockmen121
Smail, in other words-Scratchmail!!Your own scratch email! by Fran2
Marshall 4 by WithOnions
Tomorrow's Scratch by Unrealisation
3D Ripple Simulation by JereTheJuggler
Girl Scout Cookies... by WazzoTV
The Frozen Labyrinth (old) by metal509
Clone Programming v2.6 by feasby007
Drawn to Life (WIP engine) by ProdigyZeta7
Teachbot by Fran2
UPPERCASE vs. lowercase Detector by BoltBait
BoltBait Ambigram by BoltBait
3D Maze Escape (Version 2.16) by CrazyLegs66
Prank Time!!! by Fran2
Soccer-Pong v1.0.0 by vitor_sp_fernandes
Animated GIFs-Tutorial by vitor_sp_fernandes
Frost by 12dude80
shapeshifting time!!! by Fran2
Whoopee cushion time!!!!!!!!!!!! by Fran2
Cookie Decorator by mikeono102
Pete the Parrot Vs Danny the dumb Dragon! by Fran2
School Time-- pop quiz by Fran2
fishy fun time!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! by Fran2
Neon Slushie's Holiday icon contest! by Fran2
School Time--Math Lesson by Fran2
Class Quiz by itzmexx
Noah and his ark by Fran2
Mousanoid by shadowspear1
The insane idiot by Fran2
Marshall 3 by WithOnions
Mr.Cat by Fran2
Dog Puppy time!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! by Fran2
What kind of person am I-quiz!!!!!! by Fran2
The sorting hat by Fran2
Open That Chest! by shadowspear1
Froggy and the lily pads by Fran2
Calender Time by Fran2
The Death of Norman by PlanetFun
War Card Game by Schmams
Cario Cugeo by Fran2
Untitled-64 by Fran2
Untitled-61 by Fran2
Wizard kid Duel by Fran2
Short Creepy Story with Spanish Lullaby by StrawberryPanic
Sam by Fran2