
Student of: 3B TMS S1-2019 (ended) Scratcher Joined 5 years, 5 months ago United States

About me

I'm a Creepypasta. My friends are Jeff the killer or as i call him Emo Edge Lord, Laughing Jack or Lj, and BEN Drowned. And the names FruitFly Woods, if you must know.
*Profile pic is not my art*

What I'm working on

Me/FruitFly : don't even know, nothing?! *shrugs* *Starts laughing hysterically for no reason*
Jeff: Wth?!
Lj: *starts laughing with FruitFly*
Jeff: OK? *Walks away*BYE SUCKERS!!!!!!!!!!

All About ME

What I've been doing


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