Scratcher Joined 2 months, 2 weeks ago United States
About me
.Is a Ravenclaw, is obsessed with math
.Loves to sing
.Is a winion
.Is also obsessed with Greek mythology.
.Daughter of Athena
.Big atla fan
No hate or f4f or 4f4!!
What I'm working on
shoutout to @-Effervescent-, my 15th follower
"The world is quiet here"
Favorite songs:
1.Winner takes it all
2.No longer you, Scylla
3.Memory[not Memories, though]
4.Any, I mean ANY old[older] song
What I've been doing
Shared Projects (38)
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My [really bad] heart will go on cover by FantasYPRODuctiom
The jungle- a Parallax by FantasYPRODuctiom
A walkie bird in the park. by FantasYPRODuctiom
My audition by FantasYPRODuctiom
Gardening by FantasYPRODuctiom
My Audition by FantasYPRODuctiom
The lunar valley-a parallax by FantasYPRODuctiom
The Dark Forest-a parallax by FantasYPRODuctiom
My audition by FantasYPRODuctiom
The seasons and I by FantasYPRODuctiom
My entry by FantasYPRODuctiom
My audition for the singing contest[Winner takes it all] by FantasYPRODuctiom
My audition by FantasYPRODuctiom
My audition by FantasYPRODuctiom
Witch's journey by FantasYPRODuctiom
A random parallax by FantasYPRODuctiom
Some backdrop/character designs by FantasYPRODuctiom
My audition by FantasYPRODuctiom
Herb House by FantasYPRODuctiom
My Audition by FantasYPRODuctiom
Favorite Projects
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Whitch One? ASOUE by Potions_Master
jump by QuantumCubes
fall like rain ❀⋆。‧˚ worship cover by love-ana
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Backwards by Athena_24
Romeo and Juliet by colinmacc
The Kingdom of Nor // #games by chipm0nk
anne with an e - a drawing by rosevii
Grove of Mystery [] Version 3.0 | WIP by cs4542872
UnderTale by angrybirdkid
Mrs. Shneebledorf's Class by EmmaBirdLover
Autism is not a Joke. (MUST SEE) remix by IsabelleSpooner
EPIC // Results by shadowsecret023
Spot the differnce by Mronzyy
The invisible cookie by FantasYPRODuctiom
122 followers contest by Mronzyy
DO NOT Heart This Project! by Mickeystone13
The case of the "Tomato Necklace" by Mayflower-rose
Red Circle Illusion! by Bhachdi
QryptSafe: A Quantum Quest by Joy-Zen
Studios I'm Following
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Follow This Studio If you’re a scratcher
Scratchers United (Ignore if you don't want to join)
Unpopular scratchers
Checkers and Chess
Epic Da Musical
Epic: The Musical ⋄ Fan Club :] (aka the onion cult)
Follow if you don’t want Scratch to shut down
A Magical World
add anything!! cuz fun :|
The Pickle Jar
Studios I Curate
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-BeanAnimation- Hangout
The Varying Species Studio
Scarlet Song Cast
The Weirdo Club
Epic The Musical is EPIC!!!
MSP - Production Team
Platformer Clash VI - Voting Phase
Epic Da Musical
Everything (Inviting everyone)
Endurance Dash
Slime Platformer v2.0! Now with Moving Platforms!
the scratch(PLS FOLLOW STUDİO)
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