Scratcher Joined 12 years, 3 months ago Spain
About me
Sóc un nen de 10 anys que amb l'ajuda dels pares vaig aprenent Scratch.
Soy un niño de 10 años que con la ayuda de mis padres voy apreniendo Scratch.
I am 10 years old. I learn Scratch with my parents
What I'm working on
What I've been doing
Shared Projects (45)
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Preguntes - Respostes by Eric2006
llistes by Eric2006
Pac-Man informàtica by Eric2006
treball tecno by Eric2006
halloween Maze by Eric2006
La guineu i la Papallona remix by Eric2006
carrera by Eric2006
Aixafa el mosquit by Eric2006
Piano Makey Makey by Eric2006
Pastís by Eric2006
Natació sincronitzada by Eric2006
HOC 4 - Caminar remix by Eric2006
HOC 3 - Moviment controlat 3 remix by Eric2006
HOC 2 - Moviment controlat 2 remix by Eric2006
HOC 1 - Moviment controlat 1 remix by Eric2006
Encerta el número by Eric2006
Dia de la mare by Eric2006
repteCodeclubRobolot1Ai 1r premi cat 3r 4t remix by Eric2006
Untitled-14 by Eric2006
atrapa los puntos by Eric2006
Favorite Projects
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Minecraft Platformer - Episode 1 by atomicmagicnumber
halloween Maze by Eric2006
L'atac ferotge del Gallimus by RogerDrac
Ball de porquets estrany by RogerDrac
Tom i Jerry by RogerDrac
La guineu i la Papallona by RogerDrac
Jurassic World: Creator by -Cinematic-
- v1.1d by griffpatch
Interactive Painting with cloning by dapontes
AI, L'AMOR... by concursant06
L'ESCARBAT MAGIC by concursant08
#ScratchRoom Ejemplo Oficial 2016-2017 by danielamof
Scratchnapped (A mario style platform game) by griffpatch
La Mariona i el Fifi by EscolaPiaSabadell
Chinese Cinderella by xEmBeRsWeEtHeArtx
Harry Potter Musical v2.1 by griffpatch
Worst Day Ever by Maki-Tak
Missió Neteja de Deixalles Espacials by TecnoB
E.R.I.C. by Tsunami123
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