EmeraldemmaA » Favorites (185)
Shell Collector by Party_Shark
(SDS-rant) we need a change. *i edited :) * by StardreamT2
Appel v1.4 by griffpatch
Origami Notebooks! by Code_Mischeifers
Cradles pt: 9 (ACG303) by ACG303
OPEN - Comms by SillyStripyPuppy
Studio Messages Petition by EmeraldemmaA
Alice in Wonderland: Audiobook Adaption Act One by downtherabbithole__
by bubble-aesthetics
by bubble-aesthetics
by bubble-aesthetics
by bubble-aesthetics
by bubble-aesthetics
by bubble-aesthetics
by bubble-aesthetics
by bubble-aesthetics
by bubble-aesthetics
by bubble-aesthetics
et is an alien meme . dtae by Someone_isgone
Antarctica be Like by -Brass_Glass-
Petition to add a Scratch Dog! by ScratchDog
Malamander Auditions by EmeraldemmaA
sign if people should stop faking disabilities/disorders by BozzyOzzy
mad libs! by -Polygon_
Dynamic Lighting by FunnyAnimatorJimTV
The Minecraft Trailer by Tabrev
[CLOSED] by SilverIceDragon123
Trypophobia {} Animation Meme by CatrecuersIRL
Banner for Ahsoka10 #trending by -OverShadow-
✍ s̲t̲u̲d̲ɥ⺌ ̲tiρᦓ ge̲n̲ᥱr̶a̶t̶o̶r %⭒ by yuki0y
████████████████████████ █▄─▄███─▄▄─█▄─█─▄█▄─▄▄─█ ██─██▀█─██─██─█─███─▄█▀█ ▀▄▄▄▄▄▀▄▄▄▄▀▀▄▄▄▀▀▄▄▄▄▄▀ by pompawrins
Scratch Glide by NormanTheGamer
Ice Cream Stacks by NormanTheGamer
1,000,000 - Scratch Cat Battle! by WMH3com
GAGNAM STYLE!!!!!!!!!!!!! by Katerina_alien
ɪ can ɢuess ʏour ᴀge! by varshu1803
Color Palette Generator by Waxmax
How to Survive Middle School #Animations #Stories by ChewingFruitGum
Paper Minecraft is ending #savepaperminecraft V2 by tutumao
Female Empowerment! #Empowerment by Jellifishal
Lake Parallax by Henrybenrydude657
Last Day of School | #Animation by OrionOdyssey
(B-DAY REVEAL!) PFP's Kwami Miraculous! by StardreamT2
TOTALLY a Normal Platformer by konami77
Emerald Hunt! by UnaPrimavera
Hidden World Platformer by EmeraldBoneK
MELODY MEME TEMPLATE || coding contest entry by powgal15
Happy Birthday ceebee*! by -StarGold-
Fruit Clicker by england5555
Live griffpatch comments by banddans
voice reveal by picture_things
Would you save Scratch Cat? remix remix remix by JCP_06547
Would you save Scratch Cat? remix remix remix remix remix remix remix remix by 94mar1o
scratchoween mask collection by kwagner2012
star wars or harry potter by chubbard6000
Google by Alex_Calm
Virtual Autopilot by Alex_Calm
Apple hello Animation by Alex_Calm
Minecraft by TerribleGames123