Element82 » Favorites (51)
~ La Vie en Rose ~ English and French cover ~ by -Alocasia
The Countdown Begins! by ScratchCat
Multiplication testing - How good are you? by enderdragon108
The Taco Mystery by Element82
Writing Competition by fonsekagirls
Space parallax by enderdragon108
Inspirational speech challenge by enderdragon108
Escape the room by enderdragon108
A Quick Story by OJ1116
Save our Planet - Inspirational speeches by enderdragon108
Tri-Serpent Battle by enderdragon108
Colours by enderdragon108
color change by Element82
Cool Drawing by OJ1116
Choose Your Story - Stuck In A Computer by LWCoding
The Treasure Chest: An Interactive Story by 412395s
Don't Touch Red by 1000652
Shape Of Your Name Radial Symmetry by CleverKitten
Dragon Quiz! Which Dragonet of Destiny are you? WoF by enderdragon108
One day I was eating my sandwich... by Element82
What Adults Think of Kids by Dhilly
Global Warming by Lyndenmyer
The crab takes over part 2 by Element82
The crab takes over part 1 by Element82
Grade 5 national anthem part 2 by enderdragon108
Harry Potter House Test by savepopplio
Harry Potter: The Quidditch Games by acustalow
Untitled by demolition101
Christmas hide and seek by demolition101
Cat and Mouse by OJ1116
Jealous? by Element82
~My Story~ by LilLadybug
Roll the Dice by OJ1116
SFX haunted by enderdragon108
Guess the Number by OJ1116
Scratch: Story Mode | Episode 1 by -Cinematic-
Create your own Drawing by OJ1116
Grade five national anthem part 1 by enderdragon108
Maze Runner by MalinaWonderWolf
dance show by enderdragon108
A quick and short story by OJ1116
The Merry Christmas Animation of Magical Things. by Element82
Harry Potter House Test. by LANDONFOWLER06
Harry Potter Sorting by Luna75306
Harry Potter House Test by OJ1116
What Element Are You? by emdeboer
Elements Personality Quiz by Personalities
Mythical Creature Quiz by isIand
The Mysterious Ticking Noise by isIand