Scratcher Joined 9 months, 3 weeks ago Spain
About me
Soy una persona random que hace juegos random para divertirse.
I collect and i make the best games
What I'm working on
En juegos random
in random games
What I've been doing
Shared Projects (29)
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Furbo by ElMenda399
calvo espacial by ElMenda399
Como dejar calvo a alguien by ElMenda399
Simulador de calvo by ElMenda399
Un calvo con una olla y un mazo by ElMenda399
Super Mario Bros (Pirata) by ElMenda399
Dungeon Crawl Remastered facil by ElMenda399
Dungeon Crawl Remastered by ElMenda399
Flappy papa by ElMenda399
El Pato by ElMenda399
Minecraft elytra by ElMenda399
Geometry Dash World Toxic Factory by ElMenda399
Geometry Dash 3 by ElMenda399
Geometry Dash 2 by ElMenda399
Geometry Dash 1 by ElMenda399
Gustavo y la cueva trollera by ElMenda399
Pajaro loco 2.0 (vuelo libre) by ElMenda399
gallipato hip hop by ElMenda399
Horizon Zero Dawn 24K HD full Pro Max by ElMenda399
Haz algo by ElMenda399
Favorite Projects
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Simuladó de calvo by alvaro_angela_ep
Un calvo con una olla y un mazo by ElMenda399
its EXPLOSION TIME! #animations #animation by somekid15
✦ When you Give a Goose a Donut...✦ by Colossaldestruction
Red Circle Illusion! by Bhachdi
Super Mario Bros (Pirata) by ElMenda399
one week at hippos by SuperMario2448
Dungeon Crawl Remastered facil by ElMenda399
Dungeon Crawl hacked by syguyrock
CoheteHardcore by Magnomega
snake io by Magnomega
Dungeon Crawl Remastered by ElMenda399
What Even... by AedanPLX
Dungeon Crawl Remastered by AedanPLX
Snig! v1.4 (SNOG ISLAND UPDATE) #games by GAMEBOY271
El Pato by ElMenda399
Tacos de kk by salvipastel103
Education Academy V1.3 by ArcaderKid
Bullets and Enemies by Simatix
Bloxi by Simatix
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