DragoTheHedgehog342 » Shared Projects (87)
darkest hour tribute: REVENGE!!!!! by DragoTheHedgehog342
Hacked! once again m8! by DragoTheHedgehog342
Hacked by your worst nightmare, mate! by DragoTheHedgehog342
Hacked by your worst nightmare, mate!-2 by DragoTheHedgehog342
HACKED MATE by DragoTheHedgehog342
warrior cats audition: sonicnmario25 by DragoTheHedgehog342
battle cards: kyro and BAWZ by DragoTheHedgehog342
theme songs by DragoTheHedgehog342
sonic 4 hire on scratch: intro by DragoTheHedgehog342
pheonixstar vs riverstar: clan vs clan by DragoTheHedgehog342
No this is mike and a scream by DragoTheHedgehog342
bio template #5: sonicnmario25 by DragoTheHedgehog342
the new drago by DragoTheHedgehog342
moving to the new scratch location by DragoTheHedgehog342
animator action ep.1: going oldschool by DragoTheHedgehog342
scratch kart track 1: scratch circuit top view by DragoTheHedgehog342
adventures for fnaf3 1-- talkin to ya by DragoTheHedgehog342
zerox special move moving by DragoTheHedgehog342
GET IT RIGHT! by DragoTheHedgehog342
difference between darkclaw and clawstripe by DragoTheHedgehog342
lyrics to fnab night 1 call (WIP) by DragoTheHedgehog342
so i just clicked it... (bad sound) by DragoTheHedgehog342
(NOT FOR CC) brackenclaw by DragoTheHedgehog342
(NOT FOR CC) flamewhisker misses brightpool by DragoTheHedgehog342
intro (NOT MADE YET JUST SONG) by DragoTheHedgehog342
Aline's New Theme Contest .:CLOSED CLos.ED remix by DragoTheHedgehog342
Death Battle match 1: dash vs zerox by DragoTheHedgehog342
nova/shade/ and nazo by DragoTheHedgehog342
queen sapphire the cat by DragoTheHedgehog342
drago's bike (lots o talk) by DragoTheHedgehog342
winner is by DragoTheHedgehog342
title screen animation rough draft by DragoTheHedgehog342
drago jumpscare by DragoTheHedgehog342
final episode: augh by DragoTheHedgehog342
final episode: a hero's outcome by DragoTheHedgehog342
segaspeed jumpscare by DragoTheHedgehog342
drago: the chaos sword: darkclaw intro by DragoTheHedgehog342
scratch toy by DragoTheHedgehog342
add yourself in a last standing race by DragoTheHedgehog342
ep.5: commercial by DragoTheHedgehog342
rewards! ep.4 reward winner. by DragoTheHedgehog342
drago ep.4: BURGER by DragoTheHedgehog342
animator island ep.4: ... by DragoTheHedgehog342
ep.3 vote off: everything was funny by DragoTheHedgehog342
team 3: crystal fall by DragoTheHedgehog342
Bert Stares into your Soul While I play Unfitting Music remix by DragoTheHedgehog342
animator island: ep.3: im going to do by DragoTheHedgehog342
ep.3: movie shot by DragoTheHedgehog342
ep.2 vote off: yeah, i should listen to ben by DragoTheHedgehog342
bio 4: soras secret? by DragoTheHedgehog342
Add yourself following Josh and zerox out of RF by DragoTheHedgehog342
entry: zerox by DragoTheHedgehog342
bio 3:drago by DragoTheHedgehog342
bio 2: zerox by DragoTheHedgehog342
flame the hedgehog? by DragoTheHedgehog342
bio 1: flare by DragoTheHedgehog342
drago vs josh and ben: remember the name (WIP) by DragoTheHedgehog342
flare sprite by DragoTheHedgehog342
ep.2 add in: drago dancing by DragoTheHedgehog342