Dot321 » Shared Projects (69)
HOLDIN' UP HOPE (Original) by Dot321
Adult Coloring Book for Kids 2: Mythical Edition remix by Dot321
DaNcInG by Dot321
BOO by Dot321
Fishing Trip by Dot321
Dumb Orange S1E1 by Dot321
Jack's Challenge by Dot321
My youtube opening! by Dot321
Evil Killing - Trailer by Dot321
Plushtrap Tribute by Dot321
Shark Sim FP by Dot321
Shark Sim by Dot321
You Know You're a Scratcher When... *contest* remix by Dot321
My official avatar! by Dot321
Five Nights at Teddy's remix by Dot321
FNAF 3: The Epilogue by Dot321
3D Perspective Drawing Tool remix by Dot321
Black-White Adventures of Might by Dot321
Beeman: Volume 1 by Dot321
FNAF drawing (Sorry about the low quality) by Dot321
FNAF 3 Secret Code by Dot321
Sign If You Are A True Scratcher! remix remix remix remix remix by Dot321
Color the muffin contest remix by Dot321
Emporium of Intellegence by Dot321
MaNNeQUin by Dot321
Remix and put what you think will happen! #3 remix by Dot321
Vote for a mascot! by Dot321
He'll rise again... by Dot321
My Animated Logo by Dot321
TNT, The Place To Be! by Dot321
Woofy The Dog by Dot321
Wack-A-Mole by Dot321
The Nilmerg by Dot321
Game Making Competition - Walk, Jog, Run by Dot321
Fighting game character entry - Dorgedon by Dot321
Caption Contest *CLOSED* remix by Dot321
A Video Of Apology To Mr Bear by Dot321
Evil Weevil's Quest For Fire by Dot321
ART RAFFLE! 50 follower special remix by Dot321
Rainbow Vomit Guy in Video Games by Dot321
Evil Weevil's Pong by Dot321
Rat Walk Cycle by Dot321
Evil Weevil by Dot321
Wicked RPG OPEN! remix by Dot321
Sign if you don't want Jadey to leave UltraRemix remix remix by Dot321
logo contest remix by Dot321
After Dark: A Horror Short by Dot321
Ghost Killer 101 by Dot321
Add yourself as a cupcake! remix by Dot321
Art Comp! by Dot321
Official NiGHtMArES:UnReAl FRIgHt Teaser Demo. by Dot321
Which FNAF animatronic are you? by Dot321
Add Yourself at the Doorway remix by Dot321
SDS Template! remix by Dot321
Character Meme remix by Dot321
Add YourSelf In The PowerOut! (FnaF) REMIX by Dot321
Yet Antother Teaser by Dot321