DogLoverABC1789 » Studios I Follow (33)
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Say Goodbye To DogLoverABC1789!!!
DogLoverABC1789 Fan Club!!!!! <3 :D
◇ | The Little Dessert Bakery™
LETS GET @DogLoverABC1789 to 55 followers by april!!
amazingQ FanClub :D (10,000+ projects added)
harry potter fans only
RATE ME!!!!:)))))) :D :((( :3 <3
Rate Me :3 :) :( =D ;-;
The International Licky Army (T.I.L.A)
Movie Tryouts! (subtitles en espanol)
The Ultimate Licky Army (TULA)
The Scratch School- Where you can learn!
cats are awesome and need everything
Evie's 4 hearts!
Can I get to 85+ Followers by the middle of May??
DogLoverABC1789 Friends & Followers!
@HermioneGranger0210's friends and followers!
Tumble Part 2 Is Out!
Hermione Granger Fanclub!!!!
TaylorSwiftLover125 Friends and Followers!!!!!!! <3
STOP climate change
Dove Cameron Fanclub!!!!!!!!!!
Harry potter fan club
Pink Kitty Cafe
If you love Scratch then follow this studio!!!! :D
New Platformer Out!! (invite your followers)
Lunar New Year Game - 新年快乐
Scratch Welcoming Committee!