Dave_The_Bestest » Favorites (18)
Home Run Animation by masonhughes17
MR COOOOOLE by ThatCoolGuyCole
If Planets Could Talk by TotallyNotTalan7
SHARK CLICKER by masonhughes17
Mc. Donald’s clicker by masonhughes17
get caught by spongebob at 3:00 am | #Animations #Stories #Art #Al by BrickPlex
LegOOF! by -dilmi29animations-
Ben Clicker #Games #All remix by Merry-Mountain-Dew
Scratch Mail by ThatCoolGuyCole
Mealman Direct Mini! - 01-23-2023 by awesomeal82
Animal Stacking by DJ_Girl2801
Hands. by ThatCoolGuyCole
Flossing #All #Animations #Remix #Stories by -Sketchmation-
Adults be like #All #Animations #stories by -Sketchmation-
Meet Sketch#All #Animations #stories by -Sketchmation-
The nine lives of a scratch cat by ThatCoolGuyCole
Make Me Your Radio (Scratch Remake) by Flippy445
Watch Out Birdies! v1.6 by Dave_The_Greatest