Dagriffpatchfan » Favorites (90)
myIFT do an AI by your self by chatRBT
Machine Learning Demo! by Dagriffpatchfan
Shape Shifting Circles! by Dagriffpatchfan
Why Griffpatch commented on my profile! by Dagriffpatchfan
Dagriffpatchfans comments by Dagriffpatchfan
Pokemon Battle! - v4.2 hard by Catscratcher07
Animate Your Name by TwilightPonyRises
400 Followers!!!!!! by Dagriffpatchfan
Roblox by TerribleGames123
QuickReply In a Project! (REUPLOADED) by -InsanityGames-
Scratch 3 Discussion Forums Concept! by SidewaysCoder
✨Scratch Emojis✨ ꒱ Tutorial by rosepetalls-
Online Carcassonne v2.1 by griffpatch
diep.io v1.5 by griffpatch
Binary Search Image Scanner by Geotale
Scratch Cat Bar Art (Interactive) by cs1791220
Multidirectional Scrolling Platformer Base With Enemy AI v1.1 by griffpatch_tutor
Koa's Fresh Platfromer Engine by Koamodo975
Cycles Raytracer v1.0 by griffpatch
☁ Online Cloud Multiplayer Tutorial! by ButteredToast9
Cloud Platformer Multiplayer Fun v1.42 #2 by griffpatch
Super Mario Bros 4 (Speedrun Test) by funyp
Geometric Pattern Maker | Art Generator | V 1.2 by cs1791220
Super Mario bros 2 deluxe by lormoggia
Ball Physics Scroll v0.4 by griffpatch
slither.io v1.13 (#1) by griffpatch
Paint Zoom v1.4 by griffpatch
Teleportation Trap by tm_robot
RPG ep 11 | REALLY FUN!!! by wang11112
My Scratch Story (remix) by griffpatch_tutor
Griffpatch platformer 1 by auskid7
Lemonoids(Mobile friendly Arcade shooter) by FRosTBiTe_WaRp
Griffpatch's Blue Line Filter by griffpatch
Platformer Resources by griffpatch_tutor
Lemonoids! by zboon_L
Cloud Tutorial Part 2 Scripts by griffpatch_tutor
☀ Platoon! ☀ by Za-Chary
Griffpatch Vs Will Wam by hamzai20
☁️Old Western Way Online!☁️ #Games #All by ButteredToast9
3D Maze OMG 3000 VIWES by msm_coding
Candy by Lukder
☁️ Cloud Platformer☁️ by Dagriffpatchfan
Getting Over It v1.4 by griffpatch
Griffpatch Raycaster by Remixify
PyAI beta test (not working) by reptiles400
Sketch Battles by 7Phyzon
Follow For Follow! by Fellower
Exclusive griffpatch Interview! (Joke) by Castle_Hippopotamus
Cursed Combat (WIP) by Demonicchildyee
Taco Burp | Cloud Server 2 by griffpatch
The Luckiest Scratcher v1.0 by griffpatch
Griffpatch's 3D Laser Tag v0.8 by griffpatch
Case Sensing in Scratch - A Tutorial by Lirex
Paper Minecraft Super Mod!! by highpandapanda1
Paper Minecraft/オンラインマインクラフト by pocopocojohn
CloudLink 3.0 Authenticator by MikeDEV
Cherry OS by MikeDEV
CatChat by MikeDEV
Will_Wam Text Engine by Will_Wam
Multiple Fonts for a Text Engine by simbainspace