Student of: Intro to Programming Period 2 (ended) Scratcher Joined 7 years, 7 months ago United States
About me
I'm a Pro Gamer for Call of Duty and I have three black belts in martial arts. I'm on the soccer and swim teams for my high school.
What I'm working on
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Shared Projects (25)
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Life is like a box of chocolate's! You never know which way you will go. by DVSDEMON
Space Adventure by DVSDEMON
Race Car game by DVSDEMON
space race in yo' face remix by DVSDEMON
black ops remix remix by DVSDEMON
About My Life by DVSDEMON
Create a Virtual Pet by DVSDEMON
Catch Game by DVSDEMON
Create a Story by DVSDEMON
Fashion Game by DVSDEMON
Hide and Seek by DVSDEMON
Race to the Finish by DVSDEMON
Make Music by DVSDEMON
Make it Fly! by DVSDEMON
Animate a Name by DVSDEMON
Make a Birthday Card by DVSDEMON
Pattern Maker by DVSDEMON
Bat and Ball by DVSDEMON
Untitled-2 by DVSDEMON
Guess the Number by DVSDEMON
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