DJ313 » Favorites (133)
Can't Touch This by Greedy_Muppet
Scratch vs Khan Academy Part 3 by s632884
Calvin @ school by DJ313
Spot the differences by haras5
LAVA,platformer by fusionfire
- Single-player Time Challenge by FunnyAnimatorJimTV
-3D- castle 100% pen! by above
Curve generator demo by above
Scratch Wars by CoolDude49
Nano's Story : Gameplay Trailer by M_axj
Olympic Games animated Pictograms- by dapontes
Seymour Papert, Grandfather of Scratch by mres
Trapped in an Ad by UltimatePenguin
Divider by -IcyMango-
✮Tutorial: Lips✮ by RomaniM
Scratcharia v2.8.3 by griffpatch
SDS-Scratch Jaws 2 by Spinofan11
walking heroes by Elena1710
Seven Nights At Gumball's by DEVON324
How would YoshiLuma draw me? by YoshiLuma
Scratch's Got Talent - My Animating by -IcyMango-
Flip Flop Maker! by -IcyMango-
What Summer Drink Are You? by -IcyMango-
Clownshark?! (ᴀᴍᴠ) by Elephantous
The Wi-Fi by Elephantous
Scratch vs Scratcher Part I by TNTsquirrel
Are You Illuminati (Yes)? by TNTsquirrel
Помоги панде съесть весь бамбук! by Cvekonda
Snack Animations - Speed Drawings by 519SHIs30
Add Yourself Dancing by MJV11
Narwhal Simulator by MJV11
Egnaro's Adventure 【Platformer】 by TangoMangoStudios
Lineland by 900miles
Fireworks by theultimateguy02
TobyQuest (Part 1) by theultimateguy02
Memory&form-spel by dodekagonia
Get Out by DJ313
- Mini! v10.0.0.1 by PRO_FuZion_SLIME
Cloud Platformer Multiplayer Fun v1.42 by griffpatch
FINDING SCRATCH by Suhasini2712
Meet the Scratchlanders!!! by cedpath
✪Small Land✪ by yunnie2005
Hot Food by Hobson-TV
penrose triangle tutorial! by scratchisthebest
Logo Contest Results by -Crystal
Logo Contest by -Crystal
☁Scratch Cards by bip901
Wii Bowling in a Nutshell... by FunnyAnimatorJimTV
Laser Sandbox 1.6 by Zro716
Scratch Run! by Arthurtilly
Pac of the man by mazda1
How to make a Platform Game by Chronicle
Trapped (Platform) by ncats
Nartopia: Red's Mini Games Teaser #1 by Nartopia-Official
WHO'S THE BEST? Judy X Nick by Kawaiicuz
Platformer Maker by Scratch739201
Super Mario Bros 3 Physics Test by khgamer6
Cat Flying Game (ORIGINAL) by 78960_2
[UPDATED] 1 line challenge: "Sunrise" by TheLogFather