CuteCupcake-CC » Favorites (33)
Jungle #Trending#All#Games by FireGames11
Planting a Apple Tree (GONE WRONG) by CuteCupcake-CC
Happy Birthday Scratch!!!! by CuteCupcake-CC
Waffel_Food_Truck by CuteCupcake-CC
Art work_Created by CC by CuteCupcake-CC
Flappy/Happy Bird by CuteCupcake-CC
Notebook Decorating | Simulator by fluffkeys
I'm Home Alone by CuteCupcake-CC
☁️ Among Us Scratch v3.21 (online) by TimMcCool
#SAVETREES by CuteCupcake-CC
chips by darthjedi22
Scratch Train by strawberry_sorbet5
ROAD TRIP by Cartoon-Freak-TEST
White shirt / / An Animation by TurtleAnimator21
Prom Dress Shopping by Berricake
Different People In Science Practicals by -LegendGaming-
Zoom-Meeting part 1 by CuteCupcake-CC
Sprite Zoom with Text-to-Speech by minikiwigeek2
Ninja Pursuit | A Platformer | #All Games #Stories #Trending by holybird3
Escape Room . can you escape? by CuteCupcake-CC
How to create an IPHONE by TheSnowyAnimator
SET Game by chipperstudios
Bees by -LegendGaming-
7 o'clock= News!! by CuteCupcake-CC
RainbowNighty Slide : Platform #Trendings #All # Platform by CuteCupcake-CC
Wait for the steak to be done cooking by Common_GoldFish
PİZZA the game [NEW UPDATE!] by mamet23
Scratch: Story Mode | Episode 1 by -Cinematic-
Escape room by CuteCupcake-CC
Help with the House Tasks by CuteCupcake-CC
Gacha Maker!!❤❤❤❤ by CuteCupcake-CC
~❤My Garden❤~ by CuteCupcake-CC