Chatter » Shared Projects (52)
im back!! maybe? by Chatter
Comics for Rockers Weekly by Chatter
Scribbler V1.0 by Chatter
Sprites for collab :) by Chatter
Sprites for collab by Chatter
My little puppy photo viewer! by Chatter
scratch_yearbook_10-11 by Chatter
Guitar Player Version 1.0 by Chatter
Rain by Chatter
The Scratch daily issue 4 by Chatter
Titi and Toto Christmas by Chatter
Mad libs by Chatter
Système nerveux by Chatter
A very nice my point of view :P by Chatter
Why Global Warming is bad by Chatter
For claiire/Pour claiire by Chatter
Cartoon thingy thing... by Chatter
Valentines Day Cartoon :D by Chatter
0S1S cartoon :D by Chatter
Spinner thingy by Chatter
Math Homework Helper (MHH) by Chatter
...What is this?... by Chatter
Experiment with Scratch! Fixed version by Chatter
Experiment with Scratch! by Chatter
The Scratch daily issue 3 by Chatter
Bridgetgirl's request(The Earth melting) by Chatter
The Scratch daily(issue 2) by Chatter
Buddie cartoon! by Chatter
Why fire is not safe by Chatter
Ask a question by Chatter
News report by Chatter
Make your own snowman for fun by Chatter
Christmas cartoon by Chatter
Why black holes are dangerous by Chatter
The worst day ever (part 1) by Chatter
Quick math trick by Chatter
My sister's entry for my contest by Chatter
Chocolate! (remix) by Chatter
Dumb cat by Chatter
The crystal ball by Chatter
Pacman! by Chatter
The Scratch daily by Chatter
Have a merry Christmas and a happy new year by Chatter
Scratch cat decides to work out...not really by Chatter
My entry for brigetgirl's contest by Chatter
evil in the darkness by Chatter
The terrororists won! by Chatter
Stickman wedding by Chatter
Nintendos first game by Chatter
At the beach by Chatter
chatter and the cat by Chatter
A lesson for people...which is also sorta funny by Chatter