Catscratcher07 » Favorites (39)
PVZ Maker: A Suni1 Game (Ver. 1.0.8): A Gargantuan Update by suni1
REMIX GUIDE: brought to scratch. by PhantoWolf07
Monster World v.1.2 - PREVIEW by Apfellord
Vectoid TD 3D v1.4 by ggenije
Pokemon Battle! - v4.2 by im_feeling_itchy
Pokemon card duels by Kresinho
turn based RPG engine 1.0.1 by Catscratcher07
Civilization Simulator by FrostLeaf-the-WC
Kahoot! v1.3.11 by ParaIIeI
Tower Defense by relrel
Stock Market Millionaire by gor-dee
Cat and Mouse by colinmacc
Tank Wars 2 by NormallyNormal
Laser Shapes Attack! by MathCookie
Risk - Empires by RiskGames
Ech_0's Scratch Wars by ech_0
Spike Fall by t1me1ord7896
Antfestation v1.4 by Psiborg
MiniCraft (Mini Minecraft) by diggerboy12
RPG_TEST by Azzz09990
Tower Defense HACKED! by hackinc
Minigolf 3D by Raytracing
Ghost attack 1.3 by Catscratcher07
build a city by cymaster77
Games by GnarCub
Arena (v3.02) by theChAOTiC
Astronaut Dodge! by fusionfire
PentaLights (Platformer) by jacko1234567
Gears Escape (Platformer) by jacko1234567
DarkCircle- A Platformer by -Dreegon-
Level Creator by joshrawesome
Sprite Wars by ProdigyZeta7
Jetpack Joyride by TheRecreation
-Platformer-2 remix by Catscratcher07
R A I N L A N D | A Platformer remix by Catscratcher07
Cookie Clicker by rainbowloony
rapid reaction by Catscratcher07
Untitled-4 by Catscratcher07
fishball1.7 by Catscratcher07