Caroltheteacher » Shared Projects (41)
Turkey Vulture Makey Makey Sharing by Caroltheteacher
Surprise When Clicked by Caroltheteacher
Dot gets the gems! by Caroltheteacher
Hungry Bat by Caroltheteacher
Practicing Longitude & Latitude by Caroltheteacher
One-Way Synchronization by Caroltheteacher
One-Way Sync: Traditional Instruments remix by Caroltheteacher
Decomposition Create by Caroltheteacher
Decomp by Sequence: Soccer Student Modify remix by Caroltheteacher
Conditional Loops Ratty by Caroltheteacher
Conditional Loops - Gaming remix by Caroltheteacher
Creating Events by Caroltheteacher
Events: Ofrenda - Student Modify remix by Caroltheteacher
Mousie and Kittie by Caroltheteacher
Scratch Basics - Helen the Hedgehog remix by Caroltheteacher by Caroltheteacher
Hungry Hungry Snake by Caroltheteacher
The Walls Are Coming! by Caroltheteacher
I’m so Hungry! by Caroltheteacher
Diver Treasure Hunt by Caroltheteacher
Cool by Caroltheteacher
Eastern Lowland Gorilla Quiz by Caroltheteacher
Western Lowland Gorilla by Caroltheteacher
Insect Clicker by Caroltheteacher
Loops: Animals Move by Caroltheteacher
My First Catch Game by Caroltheteacher
Sky Pong by Caroltheteacher
Hip! by Caroltheteacher
The Jumbies Blackout Poetry Page 61 by Caroltheteacher
Puffer Fish Chase Game Surprise by Caroltheteacher
Race Game by Caroltheteacher
Helicopter Flight Game by Caroltheteacher
Chase Game by Caroltheteacher
Making a Square by Caroltheteacher
Innovative by Caroltheteacher
My First Virtual Pet by Caroltheteacher
Lasercut/Vinyl Story! by Caroltheteacher
Simple Albedo Effect by Caroltheteacher
The Two Brothers: Kumiai Legend by Caroltheteacher
Coming to Scratch 2018! by Caroltheteacher
First Simple Race to the Finish by Caroltheteacher
First Pong Game by Caroltheteacher