Scratcher Joined 3 years, 9 months ago Mexico
About me
Meta de followers : 1000
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BFFS: frutasfrescas Sofilover 00mia002
What I'm working on
Goal of followers: 1000
And I can make you free icons
BFFS: Sofilover frutasfrescas 00mia002
What I've been doing
Shared Projects (71)
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Jealousy, Jealousy by Olivia Rodrigo remix by Caro0023001
Caro by Caro0023001
@00mia002 by Caro0023001
CONCIERTO by Caro0023001
haz tu fan art! I especial 46 seguidores!!!! by Caro0023001
vacunense by Caro0023001
9 Preguntas y respuestas 2da parte by Caro0023001
Minecraft by Caro0023001
Especial de los 35 FOLlOWERS by Caro0023001
2 Avisos :( by Caro0023001
10 Preguntas y Respuestas by Caro0023001
Frutasfrescas Project by Caro0023001
AVISO ( importante ) creo by Caro0023001
Feliz Cumple raven by Caro0023001
stranger things rap eleven sings a song remix by Caro0023001
Mi OC by Caro0023001
Aiuda by Caro0023001
Preguntas y respuestas by Caro0023001
AVISO by Caro0023001
Sumer remix by Caro0023001
Favorite Projects
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Happy Birthday Olivia Rodrigo! by Hermionegamemaker789
Pop it by -Antennae-
Virtual Ice cream Pop-it by mates2011
@00mia002 by Caro0023001
Among Us by destroyerxb1
Christmas Cafe Game // Sprout's Christmas Countdown ( 5 ) remix by Caro0023001
Personas increíbles que deben seguir Parte 3 by Anablog_15
haz tu fan art! l especial 46 seguidores!!!! by Diana_Cruz10
9 Preguntas y respuestas 2da parte by Caro0023001
Minecraft by Caro0023001
La maestra... Los alumnos... The teacher... The meat... by valentinacarranzapal
viste a la muñeca by valentinacarranzapal
✮What Hogwarts house are you in✮ by Sloth_Cat_123
Minecraft | A Platformer by ANoobLol12345
Tomiii11 falleció... / DokiDK by DokiDK
Bebe frutita! :0 by frutasfrescas
Especial de los 35 FOLlOWERS by Caro0023001
Google by Bolillito13
♕Gacha Club Dress Up♕ remix by FernandaR1214
Sᴄʀᴀᴛᴄʜ Eᴍᴏᴊɪs (Copy & Paste) by JeNaRoX_2
Studios I'm Following
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estudio de xolote para los que quieran unirse :D
Aqui Vacunate :)
chicas / Girls
Concursos frutasfrescas
Ideas para proyectos
Fã clube Millie Bobby Brown
Fans de Milie
#ᴛᴇᴀᴍ ᴘᴜꜱʜᴇᴇɴ
Anablog_15 Fans Club!!
caro y frutasfrescas
Frutasfrescas y Caro0023001
quieren jugar pues aquí únanse para jugar
intentemos llegar a 900 managers
High school musical
Consigamos más de 10.000 curadores antes de 2023
Studios I Curate
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Nice followers only
500+ followers drawing contest! {closed}
estudio de xolote para los que quieran unirse :D
Aqui Vacunate :)
Fans de Milie
caro y frutasfrescas
Ideas para proyectos
Frutasfrescas y Caro0023001
quieren jugar pues aquí únanse para jugar
ESTUDIO DE VIDEOGAMERS pon los proyectos que quieras
Anablog_15 Fans Club!!
FANS Caro0023001
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