Scratcher Joined 6 years, 6 months ago Netherlands
About me
Hallo, ik ben `Bjorn maar voor jullie Brandaan ik maak speciaal voor jullie deze projecten zonder jullie was dit er niet geweest!
What I'm working on
HEEL VEEL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
What I've been doing
Shared Projects (84)
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welkom op scratch by Brandaan
DE HAAIEN by Brandaan
Bjornpodiumdiepzeevissen by Brandaan
Winterpret by Brandaan
Scratch is fun! (animation) by Brandaan
chineese mop ( Nederlands) by Brandaan
Blunderhoekje 3-4 by Brandaan
kerst quizzz remix by Brandaan
donald duck de film remix by Brandaan
Happy Birthday Scratch! by Brandaan
illusie quiz by Brandaan
Ik hou van Holland QUIZ weetjes) by Brandaan
Welkom op scratch (2.0 animatie) by Brandaan
just dance (minecraft edition) by Brandaan
Crossy Duck by Brandaan
De wereld draait om scratch by Brandaan
kerst animatie by Brandaan
huis dier remix by Brandaan
Donald en de ontmoeting met Magica by Brandaan
Favorite Projects
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The Ninja 5 Hacked! by Will_Wam
Scratch cat factory by Thinkmachine
DuckTales Theme Songs by Brandaan
- v1.13 (#1) by griffpatch
Ducktales Theme Song.(With Animation) Ver.2 by DuckTalesBoy
Old Ducktales Theme Song. (With Animation) Ver.1 by DuckTalesBoy
hallo allemaal simulator by imuskee
Sinterklaas-special by Brandaan
sinterklaasjournaal 2.0 by Brandaan
Animatie Donald Duck by pukkiedekat
Happy Birthday SpongeBob (Episode) by Brandaan
Hotel Tycoon by ScratchStang
The Ninja 5 by Brandaan
Harry Potter Musical v2.1 by griffpatch
Happy Birthday (Harry Potter verison) by KittyCat2377
Happy Birthday SpongeBob (Episode) by Podgy123
Het ongelovelijke avontuur by Brandaan
Trick or Treating | A Halloween Special remix by K_SS
Dog and cat battle by Brandaan
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