Blumoo » Shared Projects (128)
fast pokemon fusions/ideas by Blumoo
diglett by Blumoo
voltorb by Blumoo
perish song by Blumoo
altaria dragon dancing by Blumoo
random animations that i coughed up after not being on scratch for a while by Blumoo
w h y by Blumoo
aaa by Blumoo
(totally not crooked) eyes by Blumoo
comment animations? by Blumoo
Flurrymites MYOE by Blumoo
shadowwolf this is yours by Blumoo
dive by Blumoo
plants? by Blumoo
‘*”DTA”*’ entry by Blumoo
hearts | a late Valentine's Day game by Blumoo
caterpillar by Blumoo
ferret wiggle by Blumoo
4 legged run cycle by Blumoo
jump by Blumoo
purple ball by Blumoo
game update 18 by Blumoo
dreamscape ch. 1 by Blumoo
Girls Intro 1 by Blumoo
❤ Ophelia ❤ by Blumoo
blue ball by Blumoo
R A T in color by Blumoo
my 100th scratch project!!! by Blumoo
boink by Blumoo
fluffy boi by Blumoo
misery meat by Blumoo
mouse drawing test??? by Blumoo
cat snake blob guy by Blumoo
new characters but animated by Blumoo
create a blobling by Blumoo
vibe with smoothie by Blumoo
p r e t t y by Blumoo
R A T by Blumoo
aaaaaa by Blumoo
some odd furby memories i have from like 2015/16 by Blumoo
EIG part 9 by Blumoo
yummy by Blumoo
uh help FLASH WARNING by Blumoo
illusion scratch cat FLASH WARNING by Blumoo
low quality cats by Blumoo
marble cats by Blumoo
my children by Blumoo
evolution of worm on a string by Blumoo
draw by Blumoo
plantill myoe by Blumoo
trinket and jax blobs by Blumoo
lightningbug and firefly as blobs by Blumoo
Wormles || A semi-open original species by Blumoo
Everyone is Gay part 8 by Blumoo
game update 16 by Blumoo
game update 14 by Blumoo
game update 12 by Blumoo
game update 10 by Blumoo