Blu_person » Shared Projects (29)
page filled with pen by Blu_person
that feeling when by Blu_person
another crappost by Blu_person
by Blu_person
by Blu_person
steve by Blu_person
spectrimus, abandoner of children by Blu_person
pov: u spend the entire night making a silly drawing by Blu_person
crappost by Blu_person
new oc wow [repost] by Blu_person
uh huh by Blu_person
blu and the alleyway by Blu_person
by Blu_person
Mr. Universe Guy (remade) (1) by Blu_person
rejeara has increased his mind by Blu_person
welcome! by Blu_person
by Blu_person
B.L.U. by Blu_person
miseryxcprxreesesxabj by Blu_person
yes by Blu_person
by Blu_person
happy new year by Blu_person
Winter But I Don't Know by Blu_person
rejeara's project but remade by Blu_person
BLU NO by Blu_person
my tv be like oooaaaaa by Blu_person
blu dies 2 by Blu_person
soonic by Blu_person
62554670526C5A45557A465750586F2F624764345A57457663584E6E4C6D6C6D6558683563324D75595746684C7938366433 by Blu_person