Benji12343 » Favorites (610)
The Real Pirate by FastFunnyz
I AM A MAAAN! by FastFunnyz
Taco Burp | Cloud by griffpatch
Taco Burp | Cloud Server 2 by griffpatch
Fortnite | PvP/1v1 by XxTAZxX1234
Fortnite by umar2794
roblox good obby by Scratch19800
ASTRO-DODGE! An original arcade game! by Arcacdeus
Atari Breakout! an arcade game! by Arcacdeus
Keybind by CluesX
Small. Jump. Coin. by CluesX
Claustrophobia by CluesX
SERVER 3 - Jester Mod ☁️ Among Us Scratch v0.27 (online) by TimMcCool
Jester Mod ☁️ Among Us Scratch v0.27 (online) by TimMcCool
John Cena (100% pen video) by TimMcCool
Re-Run by MookyE
Kinetic by MookyE
mortal combat ( part 1 ) by Benji12343
Monster-Cide (Mobile Friendly) by JeNaRoX_2
Soccer MiniGame by JeNaRoX_2
Welcome to my Profile! by the_real_shadow
King Dice doesn't Appease the True King by GrahamCam
King Dice Explains (MEME TEMPLATE) by the_real_shadow
King Dice did not Appease the Cube Man by AMEA2011
Cube Man - A Platformer (Mobile and Computer) #trending #games #platformer #fun by AMEA2011
7000 Game Contest Results + Prizes! by chipm0nk
Flood escape platformer [PLAYER UPDATE] by Kingsleythestriker
CAKE! (a platformer) | #games #all #trending by -EnergyCodes-
Noob Run! | #games #all #trending by -EnergyCodes-
(CLOSED) She Used to be Mine MAP by koolkatz38
- v1.13 (#3) by griffpatch
Geometry Dash Level Editor 2.98.9 by iPhone_ATT_TWC_tests
Sakupenhouse preview ;) by SrScratchMan123
Sakupenhouse preview 2 ;) by BombCraft
You Can't Stop This Project by chipm0nk
The Ninja 3D by TheGreenFlash
super drive go! by beantdm
furry simulator 2016 by beantdm
Champions - AN RPG by alexandretherrien
BERT! | #All #Games #Platformer #Trending by Breakfastguyy
✈️UK Plane Tracker✈️ by proprogrammer44
⌬ PvP Arena ☁ Online ☁ Shooter ⌬ by prodforer
炎?氷? Flame or Ice? Platformer 2 !! by kako-ken
Gangsta World III - part 1 by FNAF_FAN745
Kirby's Dreamland 3 Maker by BenjaminWins11
Super Mario Maker 3 - A Platformer Creator by BenjaminWins11
The One Hour Game by CrystalKeeper7
MarioDash ✪✪✪✪✪✪✪✪✪✪✪ Mario + Geometrydash + Flappy Bird games scratch game atomicmagicnumber 2020! by atomicmagicnumber
Impostor Among Us by atomicmagicnumber
[LPGPS] Version 2.0 : La course by phmarieclaire
clash royal battle by Darkben
GLOP: a plateformer part.1 by Kyrin999
Scratch X RPG Battle 3 by Kyrin999
Animated spike test by Khalid6B
Kaiju Defender (unfinished) by Locomule
Stranded 2 | Scrolling Platformer by Thepugmen
3D Hole in the Wall - 100% Pen Game by sceptile100
☁ Capture the Flag (Online) by sceptile100