BOBmaster-booklover » Shared Projects (84)
Untitled-62 by BOBmaster-booklover
25 Questions About Your OCs! remix by BOBmaster-booklover
Remix & Sign If You Agree!! remix remix remix by BOBmaster-booklover
Oscar votes/look picker! remix by BOBmaster-booklover
I once asked life by BOBmaster-booklover
ALWAYS OPEN! - PEACE OF MIND CAMEOS remix by BOBmaster-booklover
Newsies!! A playlist by BOBmaster-booklover
OPEN: The Lion Queen Movie: NOW ON SCRATCH! With LGBTQIA+ Characters remix by BOBmaster-booklover
(OPEN VA AUDITIONS) As Hope Fades || An Audiobook remix by BOBmaster-booklover
(OPEN) The Parent Trap-Auditions remix by BOBmaster-booklover
Sign if you care! remix by BOBmaster-booklover
Open: Dragonblade Academy Voice Auditions! remix-2 by BOBmaster-booklover
How many demigods can we get to sign this? remix remix remix remix remix remix remix remix re… remix by BOBmaster-booklover
Questions for Swifties remix by BOBmaster-booklover
How I see myself remix remix remix by BOBmaster-booklover
Just remix remix by BOBmaster-booklover
(OPEN VA AUDITIONS) Harry Potter: Audiobook Adaption, Auditions PART 2 (Other Students) remix by BOBmaster-booklover
(OPEN VA AUDITIONS) Harry Potter: Audiobook Adaption, MAIN TRIO AUDITION (Audition #1) remix by BOBmaster-booklover
(OPEN VA AUDITIONS) Harry Potter: Audiobook Adaption, AUDITION FOR TEACHERS remix by BOBmaster-booklover
LAST SCRIPT Alice in Wonderland remix by BOBmaster-booklover
Alice in Wonderland Scene 1 SCRIPT remix-2 by BOBmaster-booklover
GLINDA’S & WIZARDS NEEDED! remix by BOBmaster-booklover
REMIX IF YOUR A GRANGERHEAD remix remix remix by BOBmaster-booklover
Chatroom! by BOBmaster-booklover
of course remix by BOBmaster-booklover
Voice auditions OPEN ~ A Summer's Night remix by BOBmaster-booklover
WICKED: BACKUPS NEEDED remix by BOBmaster-booklover
Middle School the Musical- just claim a role remix by BOBmaster-booklover
Audition!! by BOBmaster-booklover
Calling all Voice Actors! Casting Call for Beyond the Skye remix-2 by BOBmaster-booklover
[OPEN] PEACE OF MIND MCS - VOICE AUDITIONS remix by BOBmaster-booklover
OPEN AUDITION { Beauty and the Beast: A Scratch Adaption } remix by BOBmaster-booklover
Open! Mufasa auditions on Scratch! by BOBmaster-booklover
[OPEN!] I ❤ U Voice Auditions remix by BOBmaster-booklover
150 followers?! Thank you so much. remix by BOBmaster-booklover
(OPEN VA AUDITIONS) ~Alice in Wonderland~ remix by BOBmaster-booklover
[OPEN] WICKED: SCRATCH AUDITIONS remix by BOBmaster-booklover
{OPEN}The Dragonet Prophecy // Episode 1 auditions remix by BOBmaster-booklover
Bring back the cat blocks! (Remix) remix remix by BOBmaster-booklover
Audition remix by BOBmaster-booklover
Open: Dragonblade Academy Voice Auditions! remix by BOBmaster-booklover
Happy new years from BOBmaster-booklover!! by BOBmaster-booklover
How many users can we get to sign this lover of HoO and PJO and more remix by BOBmaster-booklover
Part #2 of wicked audition remix by BOBmaster-booklover
Wicked audition remix by BOBmaster-booklover
WOF Christmas voice auditions remix by BOBmaster-booklover
Add yourself lol remix by BOBmaster-booklover
Untitled-54 by BOBmaster-booklover
Elemental | OPEN Auditions remix by BOBmaster-booklover
--Forest of Spirits-- MUSICAL ANNOUNCEMENT remix by BOBmaster-booklover
The Lost Hero Auditions by BOBmaster-booklover
Animating Contest! by BOBmaster-booklover
Song! by BOBmaster-booklover
50 followers writing contest! by BOBmaster-booklover
50 Followers!!! by BOBmaster-booklover
Untitled-50 by BOBmaster-booklover
(Open) Wof au- Fire and Fury: Voice Auditions! remix by BOBmaster-booklover
Wings of Fire: Voice Auditions for "The Burning Marshes" remix by BOBmaster-booklover
(OPEN) The Lightning Thief Musical- An adaption! remix by BOBmaster-booklover