BKFighter » Favorites (1973)
Fortune teller! by katnissanddeathstar
HIDE v1.3 by -Scratcher-
Neon Rider by tbpatj
Jetski Escape 3D Multiplayer! by MegaApuTurkUltra
3-D rendering Fps 360* by TimanakuIndustries
Typewriter text on Scratch by Projector14
War Thunder v2.9-0 by LBMCompany2
Sparkler - Wunderkerze by LVRS
Minecraft V8 by Finlay_Cool
Mimic Draw by DiamondFever
How To Draw A Tank #1 (Sherman) by Yoda-Monkey
Merge by Gello56
Solar system by Dinolover123
Channeling SpeakVisually by speakvisually
Audio Responsive Shapes by speakvisually
It's my Scrathaversary!!!! + Text Engine by BKFighter
Scratch-PaintBall V1.2.3 remix copy by theathenacabin
Test Base Attack V1.1.0 by BKTester
Pen-scape by BKFighter
100% Pen Archery Physics by Blue-Monkey
Cursor Enhanced by Squidwat
Alien Pinball by BoltBait
block 3d by griffinboy
Create-a-Cat by BeastCloud
Gravity Physics Engine by wizzwizz4
Will_Wam Duel by Will_Wam
Tailgunner! by gtoal
Space Invaders by codergeek
Tesla OS (experiment) by TeslaTech
3D Terrain Engine v0.11 by DadOfMrLog
FNAF Movie - AV by Moonpaw12345
My Scratch Story by epninja
Digital Clock (Self Setting remix) by BKFighter
HAPPY PI DAY! by ebf4jay
3D Bouncing Ball by 900miles
ColorSwap [100% PEN!] 1.0.2 by lelitata
The Elite (Spoof) by Hobson-TV
Shoot! by sharctc
Glendale OS by August-
AMX 30 with 105 mm Smoothbore Gun by InSIDuOUS__IgUANa
AMX 30 by Yoda-Monkey
- 3D - V1.1-Drivable Car by BKFighter
- 3D - V1.1 by -Wix-
O R B I T S by mtcrafter
Computers... (Charlie) by PianoApprentice
Creature by -TheDoctor-
Is Illuminati the Illuminati? by scratchU8
Koch curve with a Mandelbrot set formula by PeaBrainProgram
Hobson-TV is Batman! by Hobson-TV
✧ Snow ✧ Controllable by BKFighter
Snow by Zonate
Robot Wars Arena - remix challenge by gor-dee
Robot Wars Arena - remix challenge remix by BKFighter
Hyperspace Simulator by BKFighter
Scratcharia v2.8.3 by griffpatch
Watched Pot Simulator by flun
Tanks V 3.6 by MCPEPOKEMOB
☁ INTERNETZ by Zro716
Panther Tank by Yoda-Monkey
100 Followers Tribute by Yoda-Monkey