Scratcher Joined 5 months ago Poland
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Aj dont noł ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Test: @BIA_GerTest
Polak pod zaborami.
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Nie byłem aktywny na koncie @Jozek123321 przez kilka dni i miałem 73 wiadomości, wszystkie takie:
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What I've been doing
Shared Projects (21)
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Arten: Nikijczycy Rozdział 2 by BIA_German
Generator Imion by BIA_German
Arten: Nikijczycy Rozdział 1 by BIA_German
Uniwersum Nimrathis - Mapa by BIA_German
ou144 by BIA_German
Mapa Mapy Mocarstw by BIA_German
Operation: Revenge of Betrayal by BIA_German
Agadir Crisis: A WW1 RP remix by BIA_German
Acion: Company for Honour by BIA_German
Mister Carrington - 3058 RP by BIA_German
Konkurs na PFP remix by BIA_German
Mapa Cesarstw DEAD by BIA_German
CorrespondentGPT English version! by BIA_German
zapis by BIA_German
,,Road to War" Dead by BIA_German
CorrespondentGPT v 3.1.2 by BIA_German
Wow... by BIA_German
My Intro by BIA_German
CorrespondentGPT v 2.0 by BIA_German
The Second World War RP DEAD by BIA_German
Favorite Projects
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Generator Imion by BIA_German
Arten: Nikijczycy Rozdział 1 by BIA_German
Brothers In Arms Scratch by p075
OPEN -Europa ad Bellum- a WW2 RP by RogueMarine
Mapa Mocarstw II by Marvinci
Lord of The Rings RP: Rise of Mordor [NOT STARTED] by _KITTY_CATS_
Mapa Mocarstw by Marvinci
Fur de Kaiserreich (RP) (Started) by FNFFAN2349ALT
Basic Clone Army (Sprite Collection) by ARCTrooper12
Agadir Crisis: A WW1 RP by Rhodesianmapping
The wrath of the fuhrer: an RP by schroeder_leo
SNOWFLAKE PLATFORMER #games#art#music#trending by LOVEYOU-BESTIE
Das ewige Imperium or The Eternal Empire by godisgood111
The Fall of the Iron Eagle (ROLEPLAY) (STARTED) by FNFFAN2349ALT
Battle of Yorktown RP (STARTED) by FNFFAN2349ALT
Apex Empires: A Roleplay by SomeSand
BIA - Production And Population by EpicCatGamer2134
Intermarium - A 1920 Roleplay by joeremastered
Outbreak: The Shattered World [Over] by NukeRP
Studios I'm Following
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Mister Carrington - An RP
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Fur the Kaiserreich Roleplay Studio
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Central Powers: Agadir Crisis RP
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Mister Carrington - An RP
Polski Scratch
Studio Mapy Mocarstw
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SzymoQwerty`s Plugins
BIA_German Studio
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