BATIR » Favorites (83)
Jaki-Tak's Desire to Live by buddy7107
The Sims On Scratch by Melrose123
Scrach-royale spinning simulator v1.0 by BATIR
Can I guess your age? by crazyweasle123
Where you will go by BATIR
shifty jungle(trapped in the jungle) by BATIR
paint with gobo! by BATIR
Remix this Dance by Scratchteam
pico show walking by BATIR
dsdfdg by Bodzilo
iron batlle (enemy teritory (city) ) by BATIR
Dr. Artista " Noe " by BATIR
Trapped on the earth (a platformer playing) by BATIR
Clone trooper profile picture by Wigglewoof
drawing 2D ! Draw all!! by BATIR
Simon by BATIR
drawing project! by iamtheepiclord
paint online (4 colors) drawing book by BATIR
Laberinto by jon987
whack a crrimy-dimmy (criminal) crab by BATIR
two numbers calculator ( online ) by BATIR
bouncing ball ( 2 stages ) by BATIR
kitty gaming by Bodzilo
snake by BATIR
snake game (half map) by BATIR
triangular repetitions (animation ( full map) ) by BATIR
maze by Bodzilo
My First Project - Maze! remix by BATIR
Dance show test- second project by Bodzilo
following by Bodzilo
My First Project - Maze! by Bodzilo
Meteor game by BATIR
Platformer . getting started by BATIR
my starter maze by BATIR
starter agar playing by BATIR
My first story-animation project ep.1 s.1 by BATIR
Make a snowman! by BATIR
Journey to The Moon by Janwyn
my training. dont made big mistakes by BATIR
The Pico Show: Intro by Scratchteam
The Hobbit-The Greatest Adventure Song and Animation by 75hi5s
avoid the ball!!! by BATIR
how to draw a cat by BATIR
matematic fantasy by BATIR
leonid king of the macedonia by orangeplay3030
PARTY VIDEO AWSOME !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! by AwsomeAmy123
Wizard of OZ!! by BATIR
Virtual kitty by purplewritingcat743
My Pupy by BATIR
Clash of Clans Scratch Edition Template by jmeep
About pengiuns wikipedia the free encyclopedia by BATIR
flash by kkmay9
Paper Planes by Jordy0987
My entry for art off! by Wigglewoof
Make a funny face by Guest6
Drag Racing by ohutcheson21
Horse Racing by BATIR
a pattern that wil make you go wow by kkmay9