Avegio » Favorites (185)
Code Castle (Pizza Tower Fan-game) by Yahir_122
The Fitness Gram Pacer Test is a Multi... by kipajojo
You Can't Stop This Project by chipm0nk
The 10 Minute Game by Mr-chipm0nk
⬡ Spelling Bee ⬡ by Nanoscopic
ただ猫を怒らせるゲーム [angry cat!] by hayatiburusu
Space FARM • #games #all #animations #art #trend #trending by -Fixo-
scratch cat driving a car by PauloPlayzVA
✨PRISON BREAK! | A platformer✨#all #games #art #music #stories #platformers by Da_coding_noob
Splatoon スプラトゥーン by FunnyAnimatorJimTV
Shadow Game [V2.1] [MUTE BUTTON] by ProjProto
Merged! by jebiminecraft
Scratch Emulator v0.23.3 by griffpatch
TROLLING platformer by covcheg008
[RAINBOW BOX EVENT!] Clicking Fighters by D0GYEETER
Scratchy Runnin from a Tornado by -_Chibi_Animations_-
Emoji Fight by CauchySheep
"there are too many legs" by Finfunley
Shadow Drawer by donotforgetmycode
Turn 0ff Light ✧ by manh_noob
3D Cake Creator by Beep_Bob
When you burp while drinking soda by BoyWearing_A_Hat
Laser by DerpAnimation
Among Us Platformer! by atomicmagicnumber
Scratch Month! Avegio version by Avegio
[CLOSED] Who should come next in SASB? by CaptainEmoji
That one kid on online class by Avegio
Back To School! D: by tacky365
CupHead Boss Fight 3 remix by Avegio
hack the cat!!! by Avegio
Kirby kart 64 by Avegio
Bftlk 1A Getting into a team by Avegio
Toy Tanks 3D! Mobile ready game with music, animations and fun! copy remix by Avegio
How Pico Got His Headphones Continued: A mystery we may never know... remix by SierraTRC
How Pico Got His Headphones: A mystery we may never know... by WaterComesBack
Mickey Mouse's quest for money! by Loud_Shorts
Infinite Tower ❖ Random Pen Platformer by Blue_Science
When the Phone Rings by -TheGreenNinja-
tablet player by Avegio
Hit the Trash! 3D by CgBB
(Touch Compatible)Amiibo Script 1.2 by CodeKirby
+TERRAIN GENERATOR plus+ by fbsdfsf
How I react getting Featured by SCRACO65
:3 by Avegio
How To Open A Can Of Beanz | Pt1 by astronaut55
Ok by zvardin
What is Kirby watching? by Avegio
Donut Shop-Part~3 by Derpy_Donut
Truth or dare by EW46912
eat the cheesy poofs with a wind-up toy! by ericr
Escape The House! by DancingLine
Games * Flappy Potter * Pizza Mario * Fortnite Clicker * Star Wars Blaster * MOBILE animation music by atomicmagicnumber
scratch anime opening gobo saga by mr_snowbuddy
Maze-Puzzle! by sushi10000
yoshi quest - WORLD 1 by deco23
A Donuts Life 2: Donut Holes by 5678912w
Bound by dacoo12
Peaceful Tangle (+ reusable curve math) by scmb1
Printing with the Sun by pizzzapi
Don't love this project remix by tornadoyay1