Scratcher Joined 7 years, 3 months ago Japan
About me
I have many hobbies, but I will list 2: Pokemon Going and scratching. When I get a job, I want to be a computer programmer. I have found 2/5 awesome scratchers: @The_Glitter_Sunny, @dawgy4.
What I'm working on
I am working on getting better on programming. Me and olivehat and petra8 are in FIRST Lego League (programming a lego robot) so this website gets us better @ programming.
What I've been doing
Shared Projects (17)
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Dragon's Wish by ArticFoxGrl
Commercials In A Nutshell remix by ArticFoxGrl
Talk to Foxy!!! by ArticFoxGrl
Talk To Freddy!! by ArticFoxGrl
Talk to Bonnie!! by ArticFoxGrl
Talk to Marionette!! by ArticFoxGrl
Talk to Mangle! by ArticFoxGrl
Untitled by ArticFoxGrl
Talk to Toy Chica (Improved) by ArticFoxGrl
Let's Taco 'Bout it with Takko Cat by ArticFoxGrl
Bored? 5 Games In One! by ArticFoxGrl
Too Cute! by ArticFoxGrl
One Night at Freddy's Remix by ArticFoxGrl
Apple Drop by ArticFoxGrl
The Race! by ArticFoxGrl
Don't Drown The Ball! by ArticFoxGrl
New to Scratch? Here's the basis: by ArticFoxGrl
Favorite Projects
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Welcome to my Profile! by KetchupPanda
My Pet Corgi - V. 1.8 by The_Glitter_Sunny
Scratch cat evolution by Penguin350
- v1.13 (#1) by griffpatch
Wolf Simulator 2.0.1 by MegaAbsol
Talk to Funtime Freddy! by pop32
The Cat's Leaf by petra8
Talk to Chica! by foxythefox123
Phantom Foxy The Mindreader by pop32
Talk to Springtrap (updated) by NyltiacandFirestar
Let's Taco 'Bout it with Takko Cat by ArticFoxGrl
Let's Taco 'Bout it by petra8
Too Cute! by ArticFoxGrl
Scratch Doodle by ceebee
Satisfying Pen Animations [MAP COMPLETED] by superstarcoder
SCRATCH WARS - Episode 1 - V1.4 by Prof_Tecnologia
Don't Drown The Ball! by ArticFoxGrl
New to Scratch? Here's the basis: by ArticFoxGrl
The Hacker by --Waterfall--
Burnout - a Game by TheNiftyArrow
Studios I'm Following
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[OLD] Propose Projects to be Featured
The Official @The_Glitter_Sunny Studio
NyltiacandFirestar's Memes! (and Add Yourselves)
Awesome Unnoticed Projects
fnaf games studio
Converse with FNAF
Five Nights of Nightcore
Five nights at Shadow's
Five nights
Anime Club!
The Rebellion and Resistance
Cool stuff.
Studios I Curate
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