Animater-boi » Favorites (19)
Madness:Untold story by Animater-boi
better zombie sprite by Animater-boi
Hank punching test by Animater-boi
Mr. face sprite, madness combat by natedg
sonic and tails sings come along by Animater-boi
If yall wanna meet yo what-if here's the portal remix by FunkSunk
(AYS) Cycles Encore by tiredwave
3d game test by Animater-boi
Madness-the beginnings by Animater-boi
Skittles sings abuse by Animater-boi
add yourself running by Animater-boi
Add Yourself being caught by Scratch.EXE (0.5) by Susie_AXE
Add yourself being a very menacing individual.. by Animater-boi
AYS: Too Fest (Cancelled Build Version) remix by Animater-boi
Add Yourself Singing Thunderstorm by FreddyFazbearsBakery
Add yourself singing Blue Pokemon Encore (0) remix-2 by Animater-boi
Faker with lryics by Animater-boi
Take your time. by Animater-boi