Angelsoepic_Plays » Favorites (70)
Splatoon 2 Octo Expansion UPDATED! by Angelsoepic_Playz
lbp sounds by Octo-Studios
Splatoon スプラトゥーン but the paint looks better by Angelsoepic_Playz
Super Mario Kart but I'm done with Pumpi by Angelsoepic_Plays
☁️ STARBLAST IO ✦ ONLINE TEAM BATTLE ((Can play +20 Players Online)) #game #online #starblast #space by Timka35
Untitled-4 but with lava! by Angelsoepic_Plays
Deceiver - Identity Fraud Friday Night Funkin by Kelvan_
Peppino Sprites (Pizza Tower) remix by Angelsoepic_Playz
BETA but with better sounds and stuff TDSGBV 3D ☁Multiplayer - tower defense survival game by vadik1 by Angelsoepic_Playz
- Shooter by pupil11p6s
crab game lol by Angelsoepic_Playz
- Soon to be an online game by JONYSHOOTER
thing by Angelsoepic_Plays
Work at a Pizza Place Casher Game! by Angelsoepic_Playz
Add yourself/your oc singing Overwrite (0) remix remix but its Pico AND Angelsoepic_Playz remix by Angelsoepic_Playz
Splatoon 3 Pain-Brush! by Angelsoepic_Playz
Untitled-4 by Angelsoepic_Playz
Waddle Dee! by Angelsoepic_Plays
Hill Climb Racing 2 by TDCOBRA
Super Mike World 2 with Pumpi Multiplayer! by Angelsoepic_Playz
Tenta Missiles!!! by Angelsoepic_Playz
UPDATED! Ultra Stamp! by Angelsoepic_Playz
Peaches but sung by MARIO but its ruined lol by Angelsoepic_Playz
Pizzelle is here! (ay) taunting to the pizza tower secret room music remix by Angelsoepic_Playz
Racer Multiplayer v0.6 players are close to your screen it looks nice by Angelsoepic_Plays
Tenta Missiles by Angelsoepic_Plays
invention by Angelsoepic_Plays
Reef Slider! by Angelsoepic_Playz
fixed octoling sprites! by Angelsoepic_Playz
tri-color team idea by Angelsoepic_Playz
my eyes aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa by Angelsoepic_Playz
average pizza tower rivalry (pizza tower animation) remix by Angelsoepic_Playz
Mission Cleared! by Angelsoepic_Playz
NEWER Mario Odyssey マリオ but its me! by Angelsoepic_Playz
Hill Climb Racing 2.3 but Pumpi's in it remix by Angelsoepic_Plays
Splatoon Countdown スプラトゥーン by FunnyAnimatorJimTV
Tile Scrolling Tutorial Beta Edition but there's Pumpi in it by Angelsoepic_Playz
SP v0.86 but i fixed the new octo kraken!! by Angelsoepic_Playz
FIXED Online Super Mario 2 but i added crouching! remix by Angelsoepic_Plays
"Big" Wail effect thing by Angelsoepic_Playz
The Masked Eye skin! by Angelsoepic_Playz
Online Super Mario 2 but i added crouching! by Angelsoepic_Playz
I added a skin from the thumbnail! Pumpi: A Balloon Racing Game SMALL UPDATE remix by Angelsoepic_Plays
Hill Climb Racing 2.3 but Pumpi's in it by Angelsoepic_Playz
Griffpatch's Blue Line Filter by griffpatch
Ropes Multiplayer! by Angelsoepic_Playz
Ink stuff by Angelsoepic_Playz
ADDED Rival Octoling! transform effect! by Angelsoepic_Playz
transform effect! this is what i mean by Angelsoepic_Plays
UPDATE SP v0.79 but i fixed the new octo kraken!! by Angelsoepic_Playz
The game. Multiplayer Beta by Angelsoepic_Plays
Octoling girl sounds! by Angelsoepic_Playz
[FIXED] Griffpatch's 3D Laser Tag v0.7 But by Angelsoepic_Playz
OLD VER Paper Minecraft ONLINE V326 87.2 fixed Survival mode by Angelsoepic_Plays
Super Mario 2D World Maker (Ver 1.2) by mariofan235
Roblox 3D Online v0.3 by Angelsoepic_Playz
Add yourself/your oc singing Overwrite (0) but its Pico AND Angelsoepic_Playz by JONYSHOOTER
Splatoon v0.71 but i added myself &pumpi into the game! by Angelsoepic_Playz
a normal game Online by Angelsoepic_Playz
UPDATE!! Pumpi: A Balloon Racing Game by Angelsoepic_Playz