
Scratcher Joined 11 years, 2 months ago United States

About me

Ravenclaw, capoeirista, singer, pianist, amateur artist/author, bookworm, user #3,257,407

Now: “...was, of course, irrelevant.”

υϋქδიῡξƕ ღიῡυзუ δoυლoოξƕ ლзƾ oცзღ ƕϋლξȣзქ.

What I'm working on

Chak rek ched iyekarch bayeyek.

"The man who reads lives a thousand lives, but the man who never reads lives only one." - Jojen Reed

Joined: December 23, 2013

Lead Your Clan! v.2.6.0

What I've been doing


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