Aidas70 » Shared Projects (24)
me rn by Aidas70
I'm bored by Aidas70
achoo (0.1) by Aidas70
music button by Aidas70
ORANGE eye teaches you about SHORT BOWEL SYNDROME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1 (a biorhraphy/informational video) by Aidas70
Untitled-36 by Aidas70
ppl scratch cat rlly hates by Aidas70
cartoon scratch cat fnf by Aidas70
Untitled-17 by Aidas70
solar eclisppssssssuh by Aidas70
something is wrong with this cat... by Aidas70
take care of baby cheese by Aidas70
the audio is weird I have no idea what happens to my headphones by Aidas70
SCRATCH CAT EGG HUNT (more information will be in the discripton by Aidas70
scratch clicker (UNDER CONSTRUCTION) by Aidas70
idel animation thing (turn this into a fnf mod remix) by Aidas70
I will finish this tmr by Aidas70
scratch Cat teaches new player how to use scratch (part one) by Aidas70
my name by Aidas70
Fred the robot (DEMO) by Aidas70
100% not a ''scary game'' by Aidas70
spinning rainbow cat by Aidas70
Scratch Cat And frank eat cake by Aidas70
about me by Aidas70