9106046 » Favorites (85)
(WASD support) BASIC MAZE by 012067
Recreation of Asteroids by 9106046
Follow The Leader by 9106046
DESTRUCTION by 9106046
Billiard by Thomas_Morus
Fruit Ninja by 9106046
Twins by t9decode
Generative Art with Springs by SBissay
The Answer Machine by 9106046
Blob by 9106046
Trap2 by 9106046
Glitch by 9106046
Glass Breaker by 9106046
Space-Ship by 9106046
Games by 9106046
Scratch Cat Tower by 9106046
Circles by 9106046
It's Raining Cats and Dogs! by 9106046
Color Wars by 9106046
Space Battle by 9106046
Scratch Character Trail by 9106046
Scratch 3-D by 9106046
Destroy! by 9106046
Bubble Gun2 by 9106046
Re-generating Cube by 9106046
Wave by 9106046
Jump by 9106046
Random Drawer by 9106046
Electrify Scratch! by 9106046
Scratchs Everywhere2 by 9106046
Spiral Art by 9106046
Mouse Trail2 by 9106046
Mouse Trail by 9106046
Shapes by 9106046
9106046 Lightning Effects by 9106046
Snake2 by 9106046
Pop Machine by 9106046
Break The Window by 9106046
Not quite ball physics game v1.0 by griffpatch
Day/Night Sequence by 9106046
Colorful Universe by 9106046
Dice Simulator by 9106046
Colorful Universe2 by 9106046
3-d scratch by 9106046
Doodle World by 9106046
3-D Rain Simulation by 9106046
Scratch's Everywhere! by 9106046
Paper Minecraft v11.7 (Minecraft 2D) by griffpatch
Doodle Jump! by TheSaint
初めて”弾幕”を作ってみた。 Original "Danmaku" by SQ2016
Random Color Turtle Speed Draw by 9106046
Random Maze Generator by DarkLink23
Random Level Generator by 9106046
Bouncy Cube by 9106046
Explode Scratch! by 9106046
5.2 Reversed trapped...again? remix by P2_wesley
cannot touch this by williambutler5
this is not a game. do not click on it. by williambutler5
monsters ad by williambutler5
annoying oing by williambutler5