56fyu » Favorites (35)
My Owner- a 56fyu song parody by 56fyu
Create a dog! by 56fyu
I <3 this game by 56fyu
rare wubbox gold island by 12357839cvusd3
Msm Clicker by Festivize
Rainbow coloring by 56fyu
Eating animation tutorial by 56fyu
Milkshake Creator by 5star12345
Cold Island Full song with WERDOS by squelchthemudwing
KIRBY by Toasted_Cayden
Bob clicker! by jackson1982
HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!!!! by MilenaWake
I think the game lagged... by 56fyu
kirby sprites by muymik123
Design a Nyan Cat || MOBILE FRIENDLY by Sproutie
My Little Pony intro extended by sr2015stm
When I Grow Up (Matilda!) by ms2021sc
Find The Cats by coco_le_cookie
Oh Boy A Bowl Of Cheese Puffs by brpajl22
A Day In My Life (Game) by DinoNuggieMaster
Stage 3 Level 2 Clone Challenge by PenguinPat08
Rᴏᴏᴍ Bᴜɪʟᴅᴇʀ | #All#Games#Art#Trending#All#Games#Art#Trending by Scratcher_No-1
Army of ants by 56fyu
The Name is Lobby by awprogh
Music by 56fyu
Smores the stuffed dog by 56fyu
Just a Simple Jumping Game by Toasted_Cayden
Doodle Games | contest entry | #doodle #games by dinoball206
Cute Frog Creator! (VER. 1.0) by addison_wuz_here
-Pou- | #games #music #trending #art #stories #all #pou by -VICO-
Ballons by 56fyu
Yoshi: A Platformer by teamsonic2011
Make-a-Nyan Cat! by VanillaCreme
Super funny butterfly draw (butterfly and the magic drums) by 56fyu
Pluto the Raccoon and the Magic Kalimba !! by ToastedCj