3ddog » Favorites (18)
Block Ball / ブロックボール by pandakun
hit it bill by roastings
3D Platformer Levels 1-4 by uplift
100% Pen Text Engine by Starlight36
The Vicious Cycle of Scratch Animators by ArcanisHD
Don't Sit Around Drinking Coffee by Hobson-TV
Alarm Clock by Hobson-TV
Level Editor by junebeetle
Ask Hobson: Answers! by Hobson-TV
Guard the Towers by Hobson-TV
Fidget Spinner Simulator by Hobson-TV
Lightcube Platformer by firstject
Avoid Or Not Avoid by jetpac
Dark Worm by SSDrake
Oreo! by FunnyAnimatorJimTV
Reasoning with Humans by SodaStaticFIZZ
Scratcharia v2.8.3 by griffpatch
Drop Block by J-B-G